Revived (The Dungeon Black Duology 2) - Page 124

Sean shuddered in his embrace, as if on pause in fucking heaven.

More murmurs in his ear for him to stay.

Sean shook his head. Max needed to know. Max needed to fucking understand. To grasp the fact that Sean would never ever leave him.

Anxious to resume, but also to ease Max’s mind, Sean cupped his face till Max met his gaze. Breathlessly, he growled, “I’m not leaving.”

Max searched his eyes, then smiled. A tender, tipsy smile. “You’ll always say that… but deep down, I know.”

Sean’s brows scrunched. “Know what?”

Max just grinned and clutched Sean’s ass, rose onto his knees and turned them around. Sean moaned, hanging on. Max was still fully buried. Two seconds later, Sean was flat on his back with Max’s hands planted on either side of his head.

Max rocked his hips back, then shoved to the hilt.

Air rushed from Sean’s lungs. He grabbed Max’s ass. This was awesome. The way they were finally fucking. No restraints. No scripted to-do list. Free to touch Max and kiss him. To speak freely. To be equals. Not that Sean didn’t have the time of his life as Max’s sub. But this… This was balance. An entirely different sustenance. For the heart. For the soul. Something he’d craved from the beginning. A part of Max he’d been starving for, possibly even dying for. An essence of Max that’d been missing. An essence they needed to co-exist.

Sean’s insides lit bright as Max moved inside him, his heart and soul on their own paths to orgasm.

Max grinned and claimed his lips. “My cat’s happy.” Another thrust.

Sensation tore through Sean’s body. “Yes,” he laughed against Max’s mouth. “This position. I love it. It fucking rocks.”

“Hmm. Why’s that?” More slow back-and-forths.

“Because,” Sean moaned as Max deepened their kiss. “I get to hold you… Touch you… And even do this.” He locked his legs snug around Max’s ass.

Max straight-up purred, the little vibration tickling Sean’s lips, but then he reached back with both hands and grabbed Sean’s wrists.

Sean laughed through a scowl as Max pinned them by his head. “You suck. You know this, right? Like big time fucking—mmph.”

Max silenced him with a kiss, then tenderly twined their fingers and settled onto his forearms for closer screwing. Chest to chest, their body heat merging. Sean’s heart shot into ecstatic freaking backflips.

Max was holding his hands. While unhurriedly fucking him.

Sean was pretty freaking sure that spelled romantic. A prospect that didn’t just send his soul soaring, but also blew his ever-loving mind. Never in a million years would he have thought Max capable. But he’d just proved Sean wrong in the most incredible way. Fucking him slow and easy, face to face, with fingers laced, all while taking Sean straight to paradise with his kiss.

Sean’s brain couldn’t grasp it. It didn’t seem real. Like a fantasy or some alternate dimension. Which he supposed made sense. This wasn’t the Max he knew. Or at least any side of him he’d ever met. Outside this state of inebriation, Max was a completely different man.

Max started to move faster, his moaned curses quickening, his fluid thrusts delving his rock-hard cock deeper.

“Oh, God… Oh, shit yeah…” Sean groaned, canting his hips, bracing as white-hot pleasure swiftly mounted. Webbing out to every nerve ending. Inundating every receptor. Scrambling his brain with wicked bliss.

Max latched onto Sean’s neck, sucking feverishly as he thrust, then shifted to Sean’s ear and bit his lobe. “This,” he panted roughly, “is how I wanted it to be… How I wanted to fucking love you… but couldn’t.”

Sean’s hammering heart stumbled at Max’s unexpected words, at the thinly-veiled brokenness in his tone. He squeezed Max’s hands. Shook his head. Fought for breath. “No, Max… You just … You just need more time.”

Max pumped faster, harder. “Time doesn’t do shit…”

Sean’s prostate went nuts, jarring the fuck out of his focus. “Max—” he gasped, his every seam unravelling.

“No, a stór… Please… I just wanna pretend… That this is real… That I’m alive again… That you’re mine… and I’m yours.”

God, Sean loved the sound of that. The goal he’d failed to achieve. So, he resolved to pretend, too, and pressed Max closer. After all, it was a pretty fucking awesome dream. And Max was making it really easy to imagine. With his hips and his kiss, and the things he kept saying.

Max shoved inside him again and again, reclaiming Sean’s mouth, imprisoning his heart. There’d be no one after Max. Sean knew this now. Max was his one. Max was his only. Maybe one day Sean could be his, too. In this lifetime preferably, instead of the next.

“Shit,” Sean bit out. He was racing toward the brink. “Gonna come, Max. Oh, fuck. Your dick. I’m going crazy.” And he really fucking was. His G was chomping at the bit. Just seconds away from igniting inside his ass. And Sean’s cock. Holy hell. Just give it some friction and it’d be rifling. Not that he could give it much. Max had Sean’s hands pinned above his head. Guess he’d have to make-do with what he had.

Tags: Kora Knight The Dungeon Black Duology Erotic
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2024