Revived (The Dungeon Black Duology 2) - Page 23

Sean gasped out curses, sucked in oaths, fingers fisting anxiously by his feet. Come to think of it, his toes were curling just as hard as he absently tugged on his restraints. Such a mouthwatering sight. Max could watch him forever, undulating unabashedly at his whim.

Max slowed to a stop, keeping an eye on Sean’s taint. Didn’t want him coming early, in any form. His voice dipped. “Say thank you.”

“Thank you,” Sean croaked. “Holy fucking shit, thank you.”

Max chuckled and shook his head. Sean had been writhing like a lunatic not ten seconds earlier, but clearly he hadn’t been struggling. He’d been soaring. Riding that endorphin high, skirting the edges of subspace. It didn’t take Sean long to get there anymore. In truth, it seemed it never really had. Talk about perfect wiring. Sean was born for this shit.

Max kneaded Sean’s cheeks, massaging them firmly, his toy back to the hilt for safe keeping. Damn, now Sean’s everything was covered in oil. His sweet stuffed hole, his rosy red cheeks—Max reached between Sean’s legs and grabbed his boner—and definitely his rock hard erection. Max pulled it into view, needing to gaze at that puppy, using his other hand to firmly grip Sean’s nuts.

Sean sucked in a breath and canted his hips. His tail of black feathers gently bounced.

Max grinned and casually stroked him. Such a gorgeous fucking cock. Sean’s midnight blues rolled closed on a moan. Shit, Max loved that sound. Wanted to hear it again. So he relinquished Sean’s sac to grip the base of his dick, securing a firm hold with thumb and forefinger. Up and down Sean’s rigid shaft his other hand pumped, making sure to thumb Sean’s crown every time. Right along its underside, atop that tiny little v. That super-sensitive spot that drove men wild.

Sean’s fingers fidgeted, his knees inched wider. Max tugged him even more into view. Shlick—shlick—shlick—Such a noisy mess. Sean’s breaths sped back up, then a slightly louder moan. Nice, but not nearly at the volume Max preferred. Max gripped Sean’s base tighter, holding it steady as he jacked. A louder moan. Sean’s fingers fisted tight. Max growled. So hot. Such a heady fucking view. Sean’s glistening cock pulled backward between his thighs, the thing so damn hard it felt like steel.

Max picked up the pace.

Sean instantly lost it.

“Ah! Ungh, fuck! Please, Sir! Can I come?”

Max let go completely and smacked Sean’s ass. “No, greedy slut. You can’t.”

Sean shuddered with a groan.

Max rubbed the red. “Mmm. That was fun. Definitely situated the way I want you.”

Sean rocked his hips. “You’re finished?”

“Unfortunately, yes, until I send that invoice. So, hang tight and rest up.”

“Rest up?”

“Uh huh.” Max got up to grab a towel, one over by his worktable.

“Will I ever get to come? Or is torture part of full-time subbing, too?”

Max couldn’t hold back his laugh. “Shit, this isn’t torture. This is edging, Sean. Edging. You have yet to feel my torture.”

Sean emitted a disgruntled sound.

Max wiped off his hands, then eyed a nearby tool and slowly smirked. “But to answer your question, my needy little sub… Yes, you’ll most definitely get to come.”

* *

Sean shifted his shoulders against the hardwood floor, frowning at the tone in Max’s voice. The way he’d promised him an orgasm with that wry little drawl? Sounded like he’d just plotted something sinister. Sexually sinister. With Sean as the recipient. His nerve endings buzzed in nervous anticipation, just like they always fucking did. From his prickling scalp, to his fidgeting toes, to his asshole anxiously clenching around that handle. Max had plans for him, and they wouldn’t be easy. But honestly, when were they ever?

Max came back into view as he rounded his desk and dropped back into his chair. “Alright, here we go.” He booted up his laptop.

Sean watched him from down low—because he was still trussed up, still bound with his cheek against the floor. Max tapped his touchpad. Sean waited quietly. God forbid he try to start conversation. Max brought both hands to his keyboard and got typing, then tapped his laptop’s touchpad a few more times.

Ugh. How much longer? Sean shifted yet again. Hardwood was not very forgiving. His kneecaps were actually starting to hurt. Should he ask Max to unbind him? Would that be grounds for punishment? Guess there was only one way to find out.

Sean licked his dry lips and cleared his throat. “Um, Sir?”

“Yes, sub.”

“Would it um... please you to untie me? The floor is kinda... hard.”

“Is it now?” Max paused and leaned over to peer at him. Their eyes met. Max’s glittered. “Would you rather sit in a chair?”

Sean stilled at his expression. Was it safe to say yes? Because he definitely saw something suspicious in Max’s gaze. But damn it, even Sean’s shoulders were starting to hurt.

Inwardly wincing, but not from discomfort, he tentatively nodded. “Yes, please.”

Tags: Kora Knight The Dungeon Black Duology Erotic
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2024