To Seduce a Bride (Courtship Wars) - Page 40

“I know-you wish to remain unequivocally independent of any man. But think of the poor dog. She would be better off living in the countryside than in the city, you said so yourself.”

“I suppose you are right. And doubtless you have an army of servants who could look after her.”

“Yes. She will be well cared for there.”

Lily gave him a searching look. “You would do that for her?”

“I would do it for you, since you are so concerned about her welfare.”

“Your kindness would be much appreciated,” Lily said finally. “By both of us.” She gazed down at the dog lovingly. “We will have to think of a suitable name for you, won’t we, sweetheart?”

“How about Fortune-the French word for lucky?” Heath suggested.

Her brow furrowed. “Why that choice? She seems terribly unlucky to me.”

“Until now, yes, but she is highly fortunate that you decided to come to her rescue.”

“And you as well. Very well, ‘Fortune’ it is.”

She included Heath in her warm, endearing smile, and he couldn’t regret his impulsive offer to take responsibility for the dog, even when Lily returned all her attention to the mutt.

When they arrived back at the rooming house, his groom went dutifully to their horses’ heads.

“You can hand Fortune over to my man,” Heath told Lily. “He will take her to the stables so she can be bathed and bandaged and fed.”

Rather than complying, however, Lily tightened her arms around the dog and regarded Heath with an imploring look. “She might be frightened of a stranger. Won’t you see to her care, my lord? I will happily tell our judges about your magnanimity. Just think, you could win another point or two in our game.”

Heath couldn’t help but chuckle at her devotion to her new charge, yet it was a significant step that Lily had actually asked him for something.

Therefore, even though he would have preferred to hand the animal over to his footman, Heath nudged his horse close to Lily’s and reached out for the dog. “Come here, little mutt. It seems you are coming home with me.”

The dog licked his fingers once, then scrabbled over onto his lap. Heath winced as her claws dug into his loins, and felt relieved when she finally flopped down across his thighs.

Lily’s eyes danced. “She likes you.”

“Animals usually do. As do women.”

He could see Lily’s effort to repress a rejoinder at his quip. Instead she merely said sincerely, “Thank you, my lord. You have my profound gratitude.”

Her soft, husky tone raked across his nerve endings. Locking gazes with her, Heath went very still. For a span of several heartbeats, he stared at her, desire rushing though him like a warm tide.

He wanted to kiss her. He wanted to take down her hair and see how it would look tangled after their lovemaking. He could picture Lily breathless with passion, her skin glowing, her eyes languid with sensuality, her ripe mouth parted.

He craved that sweet mouth under his. He craved her luscious body beneath his.

He was sorely tempted to carry Lily off right then and take her someplace where he could spend days teaching her about the delights of passion that she so ardently denied wanting.

But now was certainly not the time, when he had the dog’s welfare to see to.

The moment would come, he had no doubt. He would make Lily his wife and have a long future ahead with her, enjoying the pleasures of their marriage bed.

Even so, subduing his lust required a greater struggle than anticipated, and his voice was unexpectedly husky when he spoke. “I will find a way for you to reward me when I return this afternoon. And we still must score this round of our game, remember?”

Although looking a trifle wary, Lily nodded. “If you will call this afternoon at three, I will see that our judges are there to welcome you.”

“Three o’clock, then.”

Allowing his groom to help her down from her sidesaddle, Lily reached up to gently stroke Fortune’s head once more. Then flashing another ravishing smile at Heath, she turned and ran lightly up the front steps.

Tags: Nicole Jordan Historical
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2024