To Tame a Dangerous Lord (Courtship Wars 5) - Page 83

At the same time she felt an almost euphoric sense of exhilaration. Rayne’s wild, physical response to her lovemaking had sent her hopes soaring, had made her believe in possibilities. After such incredible passion, she found it far easier to see a glimmer of promise for their future together.

Even though love was no part of their bargain, Rayne’s love was what she wanted, what she dreamed of. Her happiness depended on winning his heart.

Of course she didn’t dare tell him so for fear of driving him away. Yet she had begun to hope that Rayne would come to want her someday, not just for the pleasure she could bring him, not for the children she longed to give him, but for herself.

Reminded of her campaign, Madeline stirred in his arms and weakly pressed a kiss against his bare shoulder. “That was a most enlightening lesson in lovemaking,” she murmured.

“You make a splendid pupil,” he replied languidly.

When she lifted her head to gaze at Rayne, his eyes were still shut, but the tender smile that curved his mouth made her want to crawl inside of him.

The quivery feelings in her chest intensified—a warning sign, Madeline knew. She would have to end this intimate interlude before she gave away her feelings.

Only a moment more, she promised herself, resting her cheek in the curve of his shoulder with a contented sigh.

Rayne was feeling the same languor, experiencing the same swell of bone-deep satisfaction. He had found Madeline’s wicked innocence completely entrancing.

Strange how he had once thought her plain. She was nothing like the drab spinster he’d thought her at their first meeting. Her innate sensuality not only had stirred and excited him, it had more than proved a match for his own libidinous nature. He could still feel the fever her passion had left on his skin, even though the water was cooling.

His new wife was indeed much more than he bargained for, Rayne acknowledged.

No sooner had he silently voiced the thought, however, than Madeline eased away from him. Untangling their limbs, she pulled herself up by the rim.

With effort Rayne opened his eyes, watching as she climbed from the tub, his gaze fixed on her lithe, lush body. To his disappointment she wrapped a length of linen towel around her dripping form, concealing her delectable curves from his view.

“You are not leaving, are you?”

In response she glanced over her shoulder and sent him a tantalizing smile. “Surely you can bathe without me.”

If he didn’t know better, he would call that look flirtatious, provocative even. He was sorely tempted to rise up from the tub and drag Madeline back into the water with him.

Rayne felt himself frown. Between her improved looks and changed demeanor, he almost didn’t recognize his new bride. In truth, he wasn’t certain he liked this seductive side of Madeline. He could see no artifice in her wide gray eyes just now, yet all his instincts were suddenly on edge.

“You needn’t go,” he said without inflection.


sp; “I’m afraid I must. I have to dress and prepare for this evening.”

“This evening?”

Her own tone remained casual as she explained. “I forgot to mention … Arabella is holding a dinner at Danvers Hall for some of the neighboring families, with cards afterward. I mean to attend, but you needn’t bother if you don’t wish to. I know you don’t care for dull social occasions.”

Rayne frowned again, realizing that Madeline had made plans of her own and was set on living her life without him. But wasn’t that exactly what he wanted from her?

“I want to attend,” he replied. “My presence can only help your introduction to society.”

“Then I will send her a note, saying to expect you.”

After drying off, Madeline pulled on a highly feminine dressing gown of jade green silk, leaving it partially open as she sauntered over to him and bent to place a light kiss on his lips. Searing heat shot through Rayne again before she closed the wrapper and hid her womanly charms once more. Then, gathering up her clothing, she left the bathing chamber, shutting the door softly behind her.

Rayne found himself staring at the door, admittedly taken aback by the alluring change in Madeline. He was pleased by her newfound sensuality and her bold advances, yet he was accountably wary at the same time. In his experience, a woman bent on seduction could be deceptive and dangerous. Camille had used his seduction for her own ends—

Perhaps he was overreacting again, Rayne realized, just as he’d done when he’d misjudged Madeline’s relationship with Baron Ackerby. He was keenly aware of the depth of his mistrust after experiencing Camille’s betrayal. Unconsciously, he had started looking for signs that his wife intended to betray him, too.

Yet even if her motives were totally pure, Rayne had to acknowledge that he was becoming too attracted to his enchanting new bride.

From now on he would have to keep up his guard better, he reflected as he set his jaw and reached for the soap once more.

Tags: Nicole Jordan Courtship Wars Historical
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2024