Compromising Love (The American Soldier Collection 10) - Page 5

Sure, she would risk her life for Porter, she would do whatever he asked of her, but the depth of their bond just wasn’t as intense or pronounced as the bond these five men shared. It scared her. Yet it intrigued her.

“You should reconsider. The package deal we’re offering is more than competitive, Aspen. It’s insane for you not to accept it,” Winter added, eyeing her body over then focusing on her lips.

She adjusted her stance and felt her unsteady movement before Storm took her arm to steady her.

She pulled away and cleared her throat.

“Maybe you should sit down a few minutes?” Storm suggested in that tone of his that instantly got under her skin. Those dark eyes alone could do her in.

“I don’t think so. I just need some fresh air. If you’ll please excuse me.” She turned to walk toward the hallway that led to a balcony that overlooked the city. She had been in this penthouse before for a more intimate affair and business deal only a month or so earlier. It was an impressive set up.

She thought about Winter and Storm as she entered the balcony closing the door behind her.

It was dark out here but the cool night air caressed against her heated skin relieving some of the warmth. She wished it could also deflate her hardened nipples and aroused state, but no such luck. Why she continued to torture herself she didn’t know. She turned down offers of sex, casual relationships with men because none of them came close to the effect Storm, Winter, Zin, Weston, and York caused within her. Maybe she was just using her crush on them as a defense mechanism to resist her needs and desires for safety and comfort. She knew damn well that in their arms, any of their arms, she would feel safest. It was so crazy. Meanwhile, never had any of them hugged her long enough to prove such capabilities. It was becoming pretty damn obvious that she created this image of them in her head as protectors. Perhaps it stemmed from them being retired military men? Navy SEALs specifically was a definite turn on. Then there were their connections to the Russian mafia, their ability and charismatic personalities that could land any piece of ass they wanted or directed their attention to, and yeah, she found it all sexy.

Fuck, that pissed her off. Just thinking of other women having sex with them, touching those muscular bodies she knew were to die for.

She took a deep breath and released it.

Get them out of your head. This isn’t doing you any good.

She heard the door to the balcony open and thought for sure that Winter or Storm would be there. How would she hide her hardened nipples? Her flushed cheeks and the way the cream coated her thighs? But as she glanced over her shoulder, she saw Weston and York.

Two of the five men she was trying so hard to keep a distance from.

“We thought we saw you come out here. How are you feeling, Aspen?” Weston asked. Weston Galloway. A prize fighter and master in martial arts, retired Navy SEAL, accounting major, business entrepreneur, the man—just like his buddies—was one major, sought-after bachelor in the Chicago and Texas areas.

“I’m feeling great, and you?” she asked, hearing the attitude in her tone. Weston’s eyes widened at her reply while York Reiss and his amazingly sexy hazel eyes stared at her then the cleavage in her dress.

“You seem a bit out of sorts tonight, Aspen. Anything we can do to help ease your mind?” York asked then reached over and moved her hair off her shoulder before he caressed his thumb and forefinger against her ear lobe.

“Out of sorts? Hmm…I don’t think so. I was just getting some fresh air before I called it a night and headed out of here. How about you two? Any plans for the rest of the night with any of the entertainment John has prancing around the penthouse this evening?” she asked, referring to the single bimbo women John always had attend these events in case any of the businessmen he invited were looking for free sex.

It kind of annoyed her, but at least she didn’t come across as one of those women available for a sexual fling. She established years ago that she was not easy. In fact, her sex life was considered so secretive that there had been bets as to who could land her in the sack and as their women. She had gotten entirely fed up with the flirtatious actions of men she had to deal with on a regular basis that she called in a friend to pretend that he was her lover. It worked and everyone backed off.

But Jester eventually took a job in Texas for work.

“We’re not interested in the ‘entertainment,’ Aspen. We came here tonight because we knew that you were attending,” York told her. She shot her head up to look at him.

Weston quickly added, “We wanted to offer you the business position with our company in Texas and perhaps if things worked out you could assist here in Chicago next. You’re perfect for the job and certainly could get our employees trained accordingly.” She felt disappointed and didn’t know why. It wasn’t like she lusted for these men, yet she had all the signs of someone with a crush. But not them. Not a bunch of men involved with things she should be intimidated by. Besides, it seemed their agenda kept coming back to keeping her out of Chicago. She knew why. They didn’t know that she knew why, but still, it pissed her off. How badly she would love to hear one of them, if not all of them, say they wanted her with them.

But that wasn’t the case. She lived for danger. She almost felt numb to pain and she knew it stemmed from her past.

“I really don’t think I have the time right now to help you out. The offer was more than generous, and I would love to assist, but I’m in the middle of something major right now that has all my time wrapped up.”

“Would you at least think about it for the next few weeks? Maybe give us a definite answer in a month? We have some things we’re working on, too, right now and it would be better if you started after the summer,” Weston said and then caressed her hand and brought it up to his lips. He kissed the top, and her heart skipped a beat as she locked gazes with his green eyes.

“Please? For us?” York added as he caressed her hair off her shoulder.

It was too much, having two men touch her at the same time. Although every nerve in her body knew their innocent touches were anything but innocent, she needed to maintain her composure and ensure these men couldn’t get through the walls she built so strong.

“I’ll let you know in a month or so.”

They both smiled.

“Excellent. We’ll let Storm, Winter, and Zin know.”

Then they heard the door open and Zin walked out. He smiled and looked her over appreciatively, and she was glad she wore the slim-fitting black dress that accentuated her figure. Why she wanted them to desire her she really didn’t know, especially when she would never allow them to know how she felt about them. Not that it mattered. These men didn’t feel the same desire for her.

Tags: Dixie Lynn Dwyer The American Soldier Collection Erotic
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2025