Counting the Kisses (Counting the Billions 3) - Page 24

Abby stared at me for a moment and then nuzzled against my chest, her fingers twisting in my shirt again. “Yours,” she said softly, peeking up at me through her lashes. “If that’s okay?”

I smiled down at her. “Of course it is,” I told her, carrying her to my room. I set her down on the edge of the bed and knelt to remove her shoes.

She laughingly pushed me away, wakefulness coming back into her eyes. “Don’t be silly,” she said.

“Taking care of you is silly?” I asked.

“No, but stripping me down is, when you could be stripping yourself,” Abby said, eyeing me meaningfully. “And the sooner we’re both naked, the sooner we can get in bed” I didn’t miss the pause before the final word, and I knew she had more in mind than just resting.

I grinned at her and starting unbuttoning my shirt, not missing the way that her eyes darkened with lust. She watched as I stripped out of my clothes, letting them fall to the floor, and I groaned, giving my member a few quick strokes just to take the edge off, unable to help myself. I was fully hard already, no doubt partly because my body had become so used to having her naked body pressed against mine every night.

Abby raised an eyebrow at me. “Did you miss me?” she asked teasingly, accurately guessing my thoughts.

“Course I did,” I said, coming over to the bed and covering her body with mine. I kissed her tenderly. “I really am sorry about the fight, and about putting you in a situation you were uncomfortable with,” I murmured as we broke apart. “I know you said that we should stop apologizing, but I just want to make sure you really know just how sorry I am.”

“Show me,” Abby challenged, her eyes glinting with excitement.

“Show you?” I asked. I grinned at her and slowly trailed kisses along her skin, until she was shivering beneath me. I trailed my fingers through the slick, velvety cleft between her legs, thumbing at her clit even as my mouth found its way to her left breast, licking and sucking at the nipple until it stood out from her dusky areola.

I pushed two fingers inside of her, eyes never leaving her face. Her fingers twisted in the sheets, and she arched her back, trying to get me deeper inside of her. Slowly, I started to work my fingers, surprised at how slick she already was. Like her body had been waiting just as restlessly to come back to me, same as I’d been feeling.

I kissed lower, lightly tugging at the skin of her navel with my teeth. I could see the trail of goose bumps on her skin, could feel them against my lips as I moved ever lower, trailing kisses on the inside of her thigh while her legs fell helplessly open to me.

Even as I moved my lips and tongue down her body, I continued to press my fingers in and out of her warm hole, feeling her walls contracting against me already, trying to draw me further into her. I could tell the exact moment when my fingers alone ceased to be enough, could hear it in the soft moan she made, could tell she was one breath away from begging.

I moved before she could, tonguing at her slit as my fingers moved to play with her clit. She shuddered, her knees fluttering in and out, and I knew that I had her already, before I had even entered her with my throbbing cock. I grinned against her soft and sensitive skin, still plunging my tongue in and out of her quivering hole.

As she fell back against the bed, I moved back up her body, palming myself with a few quick strokes. That was all that it took for me to be ready against her entrance. “This okay?” I asked quietly.

Abby’s eyes flew open, her hips squirming. “Please,” she said breathlessly.

I brushed her hair back, fingers lingering tenderly on her cheek before I leaned in to kiss her. Our tongues met as I thrust my rod inside of her waiting cavern, seating myself fully inside of her. She turned her head to the side and gasped for air, hips already moving against mine, fingers seeking purchase against my back.

We moved together, a slow and even rocking motion. She whimpered, her head falling back against the pillows, inviting me to kiss my way back down the long column of her neck. I ran my fingers down her sides, bringing up more goose bumps on her soft skin. I could feel my orgasm building and could tell that she was nearing another as well, but I didn’t want to cum just yet. I wanted this to last. Forever, if we could have that.

So I slowed my thrusts further, making her really work to get me fully inside of her, then pulling out nearly all the way before I pushed back in again. She sobbed with need, and I panted for breath, overcome by how perfect this was.

It couldn’t last forever, though, as it turned out. My hips began to pick up speed, moving on their own without conscious direction from my brain. I was so far gone already, caught up in the scent of her, in the feeling of her beautiful body against mine. There was nothing in this world except for us, except for me showing her how sorry I was, showing her how much I cared about her, how much I loved her.

I loved her. So simple, so easy, no thinking required. I loved her. I knew it in my bones.

I groaned as I climaxed, balls tight and dick twitching as I buried myself in her one final time. She came at the same time, practically screaming as pleasure poured through her body. She clung to me, and I fell against her, mindful not to crush her but barely able to support myself as my strength poured out of me and into her.

I sucked in a deep breath and pulled out, rolling to the side and falling on my back. Then, grinning, I reached out a hand to trail my fingers down Abby’s side. She shivered, body still overcome with the force of her orgasm, and then rolled toward me, putting her head on my chest. I wrapped my arms around her.

We were both asleep before I could think another thought.

Chapter 18


EVEN WITHOUT AN ALARM, I woke up early on Monday morning, feeling refreshed. It made sense: I hadn’t slept well over the weekend, too worried about work and things with Daniel. Now that all of that was resolved, I could catch up on the sleep I’d been missing.

Plus, there was something to be said for having Daniel’s arms wrapped comfortably around my body.

I smiled as I came into full awareness, rubbing my palm down Daniel’s arm. He kissed the back of my neck, his body pressing closer against mine. “You awake?” he murmured.

I hummed in response and turned around to face him, giving him a kiss. But Daniel pulled away before things could get too heated. He sighed. “Work.”

Tags: Lexy Timms Counting the Billions Romance
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2024