Primal (Wrong Side of the Tracks 2) - Page 41

Dane’s stomach dropped at the confusion on Jag’s face, but it only lasted a second, so he must have understood what Dane meant. The toothy, predatory grin on his face made Dane’s heart beat faster when he realized that this beautiful beast was about to fuck him right here, in the dirt.

Dane let out a yelp when Jag pulled on his hips, forcing him to his hands and knees. He’d had lots of sex in the past, but none of the men he’d been with was anything like Jag. When his flesh stung from the rough way he’d been put in position, Dane really did feel like he was about to lose his virginity all over again.

Jag pried his knees apart with his own, resting one hand on the small of Dane’s back in a dominant gesture that confirmed he wasn’t going anywhere.

And he wasn’t trying.

Everything inside him came to a halt, and as he lowered his head over hands balled into fists, his entire being submitted, waiting for his new master to do what he pleased.

He breathed in the dry scent of dirt and moaned when Jag’s knees pushed his own farther apart. A light breeze teased his body hair until its touch felt like a caress, but when the slick, hot girth nudged at his hole, the touch burned so unexpectedly Dane found himself looking up. The sudden entry had him almost falling on his face.

He hadn’t been ready, yet when Jag grabbed his hips in a steel grip and pushed, Dane’s body didn’t resist. His cock was heavy as it swung between his legs, and Jag had no mercy in his rutting.

“Yes…” Jag muttered, lowering himself over Dane and wrapping his arms around his waist. Long, dry hair scattered over Dane’s skin and cascaded down his shoulder, infusing the air with Jag’s intoxicating aroma. “All mine. You feel that? Feel me marking you? You’re gonna take every drop,” he rasped, speeding up his thrusts like an animal unable or unwilling to control his instincts.

All Dane could do was whimper, submit, and spread his legs wide for this human monster while his glasses fogged up, blocking out the scenery. Jag’s balls slapped against his own, sending jabs of arousal up his cock and leaving his brain fizzy, as if he’d drank two bottles of champagne. Pebbles stabbed at his palms and knees, but he wanted to be here and let Jag fuck him raw, so he braced himself for the brutal onslaught of thrusts and howled without shame.

He’d never done this without rubbers before, but Jag wasn’t using any. He’d flood Dane’s hole with spunk like the wild, ruthless animal he was. Just use him for pleasure without considering the consequences.

Dane’s body throbbed with forbidden arousal. The hand cream kept Dane’s ass from feeling too raw, but didn’t prevent the burning sensation deep inside as Jag’s thrusts became faster and more confident. The bastard had no concept of the prostate, or what to do in order to please his bottom, but the erratic, selfish nature of their rutting was exactly what sent Dane into a lusty frenzy.

He was only a vessel for Jag’s seed. A submissive mate whose fuckhole needed to always be tight and ready for his man’s use. Nothing more than a pet who didn’t get a voice or the right to any pleasure of his own.

And oh, being put in that position made every rough touch, every push at his prostate go straight to Dane’s head.

He didn’t want it to ever stop.

"I'll be breeding this hole day and night. Every man will smell me on you and know they need to keep away," Jag rasped, smelling the back of Dane's head as his hands traveled under Dane's T-shirt, to his pecs. Jag squeezed Dane’s nipples as if he wanted to twist them off, but his cock kept pistoning in and out without mercy as his body went increasingly rigid atop Dane’s.

Strong hands moved to grip Dane's shoulders, and when nails dug into flesh, the hard dick throbbed in Dane’s hole. He’d be aching tomorrow, but the hot cream exploding deep inside was like hard liquor, and he lowered his forehead to the ground, waiting for the world to stop spinning.

Jag lay his cheek against Dane’s back, panting, but his cock was slowly shrinking, until it plopped out of the relaxed hole, leaving it vulnerable to the cool air. Dane whimpered and curled his toes, sinking under Jag’s weight until his own cock touched the dusty ground. His body was hot with need, but despite having all the opportunity to finish himself off, Dane didn’t dare touch himself.

His body belonged to someone else now, and unless Jag decided to push his hand under Dane and jerk him off, he’d just settle on enjoying the afterburn, the warmth in his belly, and the heat of a powerful male body resting on top of his.

Tags: K.A. Merikan Wrong Side of the Tracks M-M Romance
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2024