Nothing Special V (Nothing Special 5) - Page 103

Steele kissed Tech on his red cheeks. “Good. Now he can find his own and leave my boyfriend the fuck alone.”

Tech’s smile warmed his heart like it always did.

They heard a vehicle pulling into the parking lot and Steele began putting out his little cigar. “Come on. Since everyone else is already here, I think Hart just pulled up. Let’s go back in.” Steele took one more kiss. “You’ll call me before you go to sleep tonight?”

“It’ll probably be late, but yes, I’ll call. I’m sure Free and I will catch up tonight.”

“Late is good. That way, you can dream about me.” Steele licked Tech’s mouth, their noses and lips brushing together while they nestled against each other and stole a few more kisses.


“Hey, Hart. Thanks, man. You always come through for us. I owe you,” God told the big captain and his lieutenant when they stopped in front of him. He noticed a few other guys from Hart’s team were coming through the door with coolers, their arms loaded down with brown paper bags. God looked at Day, who shrugged. “Hart, what the fuck are y’all doing?”

“You didn’t think we would let you guys get married without a proper send-off, did you?” Hart’s devious but charming grin had God groaning and dropping his head in his hands. Day threw his head back and laughed, just as the door buzzed again.

“That’s right you slave-driving motherfuckers! Bachelor party!” Ruxs yelled from across the room. Everyone threw up their hands and yelled along with him. A couple seconds later, some of the lights went down and the music came on, blasting through Ruxs and Green’s monster sound system.

No wonder Pres and Green were making so much damn food, but God hadn’t thought twice about it. How’d they do all this in such a short amount of time? They couldn’t’ve known everything would go smoothly with Pres’ case, so what the hell?

“Ahh, look at you guys’ faces.” Ruxs slung his arms over God’s broad shoulders. “As soon as Hart said everything was a go and Carbone was in custody, we started making calls. You know it doesn’t take much for guys to drop whatever the hell they’re doing and come have drinks and act like asses for a few hours.”

Day shoved Ruxs away, looking as stunned and amused as God. “You guys are nuts.”

A few more guys showed up, ready to party. One guy from vice thanked them for saving him from a boring night of Family Feud with his lazy brother. Another detective actually admitted to canceling date night with his wife, lying that there was a last minute, job-related emergency. There were a lot more rounds of what they were doing before they got the call, and next thing God knew, there were at least thirty guys hanging around, drinking and congratulating them. The later it got, the drunker everyone got and the more outrageous the stories became.

God had to admit he was having fun. Day was in his arms, warm and inebriated. His ass pressed against his cock while he sat on the stool and Day leaned against him. God couldn’t resist licking on his neck while Vasquez and a few of his buddies stood in front of them complaining about the process of getting in with their team.

“We’re not looking for new recruits right now, Vasquez.” Day half chuckled and half moaned when God bit at the back of his neck.

“Can you guys stop that for a second?” Vasquez’s buddy asked, turning his head.

“No,” God growled.

“Not hiring? Come on. You just picked up two new members in the past few months,” Vasquez bitched, tossing back the last of his drink and slamming the glass down a little too hard on the bar.

“You just want to get in so you can flirt with Tech, but you can let it go, man. That ship has sailed.” Day nodded towards the pool table where Tech was practically wrapped around Steele’s body while he waited to take his next shot.

“I see. Whatever, though, his loss. But his friend is a pretty good substitute.” Vasquez’s ogle was predatory and he adjusted himself in his pants.

God ignored it for now – Vasquez was drunk – still, he was getting on his nerves. The beat officer was a pig, a horny pig that used his uniform to chase ass. God and Day both despised officers like that. Now that he thought more about it, he didn’t know why Vasquez was even there. He’d probably caught wind of a party and invited himself.

Free sat on the couch – all that wild hair barely contained by the headband – with Furi and Ro, playing a spirited game of Call of Duty, several of the other guys watching and shouting strategies at them. The young man was already fitting right in. His smile was huge and he finally wasn’t stuck to Tech’s side, looking a little more comfortable around them. God had been a little leery of his skittishness when he’d first come into the office, but thank the heavens for Ro and Furi. They could make anyone feel relaxed. The guy was going to be a huge asset, he could feel it, and with Tech in the field…, his team was growing and getting stronger with each new addition.

Tags: A.E. Via Nothing Special Romance
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2024