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Blaze (Steel Brothers Saga 21)

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Rory gazes at her wrist and then turns on her dazzling smile once more. “You know, Doc, I think I may have left something in the exam room. Would you mind if I go back in for a second?”

“Not at all. Go right ahead. I’ll just stay here and chat with Callie.”

“Thank you so much. You’re a gem.” She dazzles him with a smile once more and then slides back through the door.

I’m not exactly sure what she’s up to, but I know it’s my job to keep Doc Sheraton engaged.

“So…do you get a lot of rescues from the Lifeline Shelter in Grand Junction?”

“Here and there,” he says. “It’s a long way to go to rescue a dog.”

“But so many of those amazing animals need homes.”

“I know. I wish more people were like you and your sister. And I wish more people here in Snow Creek got their animals spayed and neutered. I can’t tell you how many barn litters we have, and then we have to find homes for the puppies or kittens.”

I nod. And I’ve effectively run out of things to talk to a veterinarian about.

“So how are your parents doing, Callie?” Doc Sheraton gives me the obligatory I feel sorry for you head tilt.

Here comes the pity party. But I have to use it to my advantage.

“It’s tough,” I say. “We lost a lot in that fire.”

“If you need any help, with your animals or anything, don’t hesitate to reach out.”

“That’s very kind of you.” I force a smile and hope it looks genuine. “I’ll let my mom and dad know that you’re here for them.”

“Please do. Everyone in town is. We all feel terrible about what happened.”

I have to hold back the peristalsis in my esophagus. Otherwise, I’m going to puke from all the sympathy I’m getting. Doc Sheraton doesn’t mean any harm. He’s always been a nice guy, as far as I know. But I do have to wonder… How can a nice guy have a daughter who runs around impersonating other people and breaking into safe-deposit boxes? Not to mention stealing tranquilizer guns and shooting high school girls with them, and then watching as her boyfriend disrobes them and photographs them in compromising positions.

Nature versus nurture. It’s a timeless debate.

Rory bustles out then. Thank God, because I will truly hurl if I have to play the pitiable young lady for one more second.

“I found my bracelet!” She holds it up.

I’m pretty sure Rory wasn’t wearing a bracelet when we went in there, but of course I don’t say anything. Apparently, she had one in her purse.

“I’m so glad.” Doc Sheraton smiles. “I guess I’ll see you two young ladies in a couple of weeks for the dogs’ next appointment.”

“Yes, we’ll be here.” Rory dazzles with a smile once more.

We get Zach and Dusty out of the vet’s office and walk the block to where our car is parked.

“Tell you what,” Rory says. “Let’s take a walk around the park. Let these two do their business and stuff. Plus…”

“What? I know that’s the bracelet Raine gave you, and I also know you weren’t wearing it this morning.”

“Nope. It was still in my purse from when I took it off a week ago. But I wanted to go back in there, Callie. I had a feeling.”

“What feeling?”

“I actually went through the exam room and into Doc Sheraton’s office. I knew I didn’t have a lot of time, but I was just looking for something, anything, that might give us a clue to what’s going on with Brittany and Pat Lamone.”

“And did you find anything?”

“I found an address in Laramie. I wrote it down.”

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