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Blaze (Steel Brothers Saga 21)

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“What good is an address in Laramie going to do us?”

“Probably nothing, but it’s a start. Pat and Brittany were both in Laramie when they got together, and now they’re here.”

“True enough.”

“And then tonight… I guess we’re all going to be at the Steels’ big party. I’d skip it, but I already told Jesse I’d sing.”

“I can’t skip it, of course, because of Donny. Why would you want to skip it anyway, Rory?”

“Are you kidding? I sure as heck don’t feel like partying. And now that I’m no longer in a relationship, everyone and his brother and sister are going to be hitting on me.”

I scoff. “Since when is that a bad thing?”

“It’s a bad thing when I’ve got all this other shit on my mind. I mean, who knows when those photographs are going to turn up somewhere to haunt us?”

“First of all, we may have his copies. Remember? And second, if it’s money he’s after, he won’t get anything by putting the photos out before he makes a demand.”

“I know you’re right, but…”

“I know.” There’s really nothing more to say. I get it. She doesn’t want to be exposed to the whole town, and neither do I.

“Does he know when my birthday is? Because if I were even one second younger than eighteen when those were taken…”

“A birth date is easy to find, and he obviously has yours, because someone got a fake ID.”

“It doesn’t have to have my actual birth date on it. I doubt the bank would check that closely.” She sighs. “I guess these guys have had enough of a walk. Let’s get home. They have way more area to run around there. Besides, I have to rehearse with Jesse and the band this afternoon.”

“And I…”


I shake my head. “I have nothing to do. Donny will probably be helping set up for the party. What the hell do I do this afternoon?”

“Actually, why don’t you do some research? On this address? Can you get into the office?”

“I can. I have a key. And a card, and the code. But why would I be going in on a Saturday?”

“Maybe Donny gave you some work.”

“I don’t know…”

“Just text him. See if he cares.”

“All right.” I send Donny a quick text. This time I make sure I hit send, and I make sure it shows that it went through.

But he doesn’t get back to me right away.

Which is odd. Especially on a Saturday when I know he’s home.

“He’s probably just busy,” Rory says, as if reading my mind.


Except that something feels off.

And not in a good way.


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