Wicked Lies Boys Tell - Page 73

I start to pull away and he kisses me boldly in front of my dad. Then, he turns and faces off with my father, who, to my surprise, doesn’t wear a look of disgust. He’s too juiced up on the potential power he’ll have to lord over Jason.

“I have demands,” Penn tells him.

Dad’s brow hikes up in surprise. “As you should. What’ll it be?”

“You pay me an annual salary of the average employee salary, management included in that calculation, with a renegotiation opportunity once I graduate from college.” Penn pockets his keys before releasing my hand to walk over to my dad.

I can tell my dad is running quick math in his head. His jaw clenches, but he nods. “Extravagant, but I’ll allow it.”

Penn isn’t through yet. Despite his beat down body, he thrums with power. He has just enough of Jason’s business sense and arrogance to do him well in the world. But not so much that he’s an abusive asshole. “I want stock options.”

“Since my son cares nothing about his father’s legacy, I suppose you’re the only option I have. Excessive, but I’ll allow it.”

“And,” Penn says, before looking over at me. “You pay for his education too.”

Both Dad and I bark out a “no” at once. Penn shrugs but then winces at the action.

“I don’t want to go to college,” I grumble. But that’s not wholly true. I don’t want to go to college for finance like my dad. But I might go if it meant more time with Penn.

Dad’s eyes narrow at me. “Fine. College for both. Ridiculous, but I’ll allow it.”

“Then you have yourself a deal,” Penn says, offering his hand to my dad. As they shake, Penn grips his hand tighter and leans into him. “And if you’re an asshole to my boyfriend, I will make your life a living hell.”

Dad laughs as though Penn’s joking. But Penn is not fucking joking.

“Good doing business with you,” Dad tells him. “You can start Monday after school.”

As soon as he’s gone, I lock the door behind him. Penn orders pizza before walking his old, limping ass to our bedroom.

“I’m going to take a quick shower before the pizza arrives,” he tells me, not making eye contact.

I frown as I follow him into the bathroom where he’s wincing as he pulls off his shirt. Every time I see the black bruising all over his body, it takes everything in me not to seek Jason out and plunge my pocket knife into his temple.

“Here,” I utter, wrapping my arms around him. “Let me help.” I unfasten his jeans and kiss his shoulder gently. He groans when I slide my hand down into his boxers, gripping his erection. It throbs in my hand, desperate for release.

“Shower with me,” he demands, his voice husky.

I release his dick to fumble with my own clothes. He starts the shower and then sheds the rest of his clothes. The hot water makes him flinch as it pounds on his bruises. I wish I could make him feel better.

Grabbing the soap, I set to gently soaping him down. “You’re quiet. What’s up?”

His eyes lift to meet mine. Excitement glitters in his brown eyes. “Things are looking up, Cope.”

“You’re happy. You got me roped into school and now you’re happy. Fucking figures,” I tease, sliding my soapy hand around his cock.

He hisses and steals the soap, mimicking my actions. “You look kind of excited too.”

I bite my bottom lip and suppress a groan. “You’re jacking me off. Of course I’m excited. It’s the most action I’ve gotten in two days because my boyfriend’s a gimp.”

His hand squeezes my length in a strong grip. “Admit it.”

“Fine, I am kind of looking forward to college with you.”

“Why?” he probes, jerking me harder, making me hiss.

Two can play this game. I return the favor, my fist working him fast. He leans against me, his lips against my neck.

“Because I’m obsessed with being with you. You’re my best friend. I want to spend every damn day with you,” I grit out as my orgasm nears. “Is that what you wanted to hear?”

He sucks on my neck to the point of pain before releasing me. His breath is hot on my neck. “That’s nice. Admit it that you want to do something cool with your art. Like maybe more than draw things on people.”

With his hand working me over, I can’t think. I give myself over to the pleasure, groaning out my release. His hand slows, but I increase mine around his cock. With each jerk, his breathing becomes more intense against my neck. I know the second he comes because he bites me, the fucker. My heart is hammering in my chest. It takes a moment to recover. Pulling away slightly, I kiss his mouth.

“One day, I want to own my own shop. Not something little like Lars. Something fucking awesome and talked about and revered.” Admitting it is kind of embarrassing. “What do you want?”

Tags: K. Webster Romance
Source: readsnovelonline.net
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