It Started With a Kiss (Insta-Spark) - Page 100

“Can we go to putt putt?”

I chuckled, tucking a stray curl behind her ear. “Mini golf?” They all loved playing games.

She nodded; her mouth full of ice cream.

“Sure, my girl. Whatever you want.”

All of a sudden, though, she yawned. Her eyes scrunched up, mouth wide, the remains of her ice cream still lingering in the corners. I glanced at my watch, surprised to find it past seven. Time had flown by. It always did when I was with my kids.

I wiped her mouth and popped the last of the cone into my mouth. She snuggled tight to my chest, happy to be still and held close. I knew she had to be tired, since she was never quiet.

She grew heavier and I stood, carrying her to the car. She slept the entire way home.

Avery met us at the door, a tender smile on her face. “Hey.”

I bent down, to kiss her full lips. “Hi, Sprite.”

“Good date?”

“The best.”

“You tired her out.”

“Yeah, but we had a great time. Why don’t I go tuck her into bed, then we’ll see if I can tire you out?”

Avery laughed. “Good plan, Daddy.”

I smiled all the way down the hall.

I liked this tradition.

Age Fourteen


“What?” I smirked, nuzzling her head.

Maggie pushed away from me. “You can’t hug me in front of the kids at school!” she scolded, looking around, then scampered into the car.

I chuckled as I went to the driver’s side and slipped in. “Is this a new rule?”

There were always new rules in Maggie’s world.

She rolled her eyes, tossing her hair over her shoulder. “Mom gets it.”

I pulled away from the curb. “Mom gets everything—she’s cool. You gotta cut your old man a break, Mags.”

Maggie’s voice changed. It softened and she smiled at me. “You’re pretty cool too, Daddy.”

I squeezed her hand. “Thanks, Princess.”

“Are we going for pizza?”

“Your turn to choose—whatever you want.” She was old enough now I let her choose our date locations. We had our favorites, but we tried to vary them.

“How about Chinese? I feel like some noodles.”

“Sounds good. After?”

Tags: Melanie Moreland Romance
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2024