It Started With a Kiss (Insta-Spark) - Page 20

Bedroom at end of hall. Snoop all you want.


I stood in his doorway, breathing in the room. Daniel’s room. It smelled just like him.

Warm. Citrusy. Clean. Sexy.

The whole room was dark blue and cream. It was huge and airy, and like the rest of the house: neat, tidy, and well cared-for. The king-size bed situated in the middle of the long wall was covered in a plush duvet. I swallowed deeply, thinking of Daniel sleeping in it, of me sleeping in it with him—or maybe not sleeping. The image of Daniel pressing me down into that deep mattress, his toned body covering mine, his sexy mouth doing wicked things to me everywhere . . .

Suddenly, I wasn’t as cold as I had been a few minutes ago.

Shaking my head, I crossed over to the dresser, opened the top drawer, and giggled as I stood on my tiptoes to be able to reach a pair of his socks. The man was ridiculously tall—and so was his dresser.

As I turned, I gasped in pleasure. A set of double French doors, centered on the end wall, showcased the view. As if pulled by an invisible string, I drifted toward them and looked out onto Daniel’s back property. Rolling hills, woods, and open fields met my eyes. In the distance, an expanse of shimmering water glistened in the sunlight. Closer to the house, a red barn and paddock were to the left, and a couple horses grazed in the fields. He really did have ponies. The whole scene resembled a charming painting—scenic, peaceful, and lovely.

I stood there mesmerized. I could envision a future here.

A small table and two chairs sat on the attached deck, and I could see myself sitting beside Daniel, sipping coffee, on lazy summer mornings. I shook my head at the peculiar thoughts as my gaze drifted back to the beautiful vista in front of me. What a wonderful place to live. It suited Daniel with its open, serene ambience.

I was startled when warm arms wrapped around my waist and pulled me back to a firm chest.

“You like?” Daniel murmured into my ear, his lips grazing over the sensitive curve.

“It’s breathtaking. So peaceful,” I whispered, not wanting to break the silence.

“I love it here.”

“Is it all yours?”

“Yes. I had an inheritance from my grandfather, which I used it to buy the property and start the clinic. I love to ride, and when I bought the land, the barn and paddock were already here. I tore down the old house and built the clinic and this house. I breed horses and stable them for people. Sort of a sideline.”


“Do you ride?”

“No. I’ve never even been that close to a horse. They’re, ah, kinda big and intimidating.”

“I’ll take you out and show you soon.” He squeezed me. “I can teach you to ride, if you want—you’ll love it.” He turned me in his arms. “Now, about you being cold. Can I do anything to warm you up?”

“I found some socks.”

“Holding them won’t make your feet warm, Avery.” He smirked. “You need to put them on for them to actually work, you know.”

I grinned. “I was going to do that, but the view caught my attention.”

He drew me to the bed, lifting me up on the mattress, taking the socks. “Let me help.”

Kneeling in front of me, he tsked as he felt how cold my feet were. He rubbed them briskly, then slipped the socks over my toes, smiling as I sighed at the instant relief they offered. They were too big, but he rolled them around my ankle a few times.

I felt warmer already. Although, I wasn’t sure if it was the socks or the fact he was kneeling in front of me, his hands still on my legs.

His fingers traced a pattern on my skin.

“So soft, Avery,” he crooned. “Your skin is so soft.” His hands crept higher, slipping over my knees, caressing.

Our eyes locked, and the passion and desire I saw in them caused a wanton, almost pleading groan to escape my lips.

He was on his feet in an instant, towering over me, dragging me up to his chest as he kissed me.

Tags: Melanie Moreland Romance
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2024