It Started With a Kiss (Insta-Spark) - Page 29

Daniel cupped my face, bringing me close and kissing me. Tiny, light brushes of his lips. “I could ask you the same,” he murmured. “How the hell did I get so lucky to meet you today? I know you said you haven’t dated much, but I still can’t believe it.”

“I’ve never had a serious relationship, or even particularly long ones.” I shrugged. “Aside from the obvious, I think I might be too boring. I was always the shy, studious girl, easily passed by.”

“The obvious? What does that mean?”

I played with my hair, holding up a strand for his inspection. “My odd looks. My eyes and my hair are so light that I almost look albino. The only color on my face is the infernal freckles I can’t get rid of. I’ve always known I’m no great beauty, or even normal looking, so I’ve been told, but—”

His hands dropped and tightened on my hips. “Wait. Odd looks? Who said that to you?”

I shrugged. “I’ve heard it my whole life.”

“From? Not your parents, surely.”

“No. They always told me I was perfect. I sort of stuck out at school, with the white hair and light eyes. Kids, you know. They liked to tease. My hair, if you can believe it, was even lighter when I was young. The kids called me Ghost. I heard a teacher once say I looked like an old woman with a kid’s face. It all stuck with me.”

“She shouldn’t have said that, and you can’t dwell on what kids say. Little buggers are full of it. They spout off to make themselves feel better.”

I sighed ruefully. “I know, but others think that way, too.”


“It doesn’t matter. He was right. I’m—”

He interrupted me again. “Who?”

“My last boyfriend, Grant. When we broke up, he told me he always found my unusual looks distracting—and not in a good way,” I admitted, embarrassed.

He slid his hands up my arms, and tilted my chin up with his finger, forcing me to look at him.

“Your face,” he stated slowly, his eyes never leaving mine “is beautiful. All of you is perfect. You are not, in any way, odd. Unique, yes. Exquisite, yes. I thought it the instant I saw you. Beautiful,” he repeated in a firm voice. “Understand? Ignore whatever inane comment that loser had to say. He was obviously fucked in the head.”

His last sentence made my lips quirk. I started to chuckle and he joined me, his broad shoulders shaking with mirth. His thumbs ran small circles on my cheeks. “Don’t listen to him, okay?”

“I should listen to you?”

“I am a doctor. That means I’m smart—so, yes. Listen to me.”

“Okay,” I breathed out. “I’ll try.”

A wicked smile spread on his mouth as he drew my face nearer. His intoxicating scent surrounded me as his lips hovered over mine. “Good. And thanks, Sprite. I think you’re pretty drop-dead sexy, too.”

I gasped as he crushed me to his chest.

Damn mutterings.


Breathless from Daniel’s passionate kisses, I drew back, pushing myself into the corner of the sofa. He ran a hand through his hair and sighed.

“Did it again, didn’t I? You get close and I want you closer.”

“I don’t mind, it’s just . . .”

“I know,” he assured me. “We only met today. I’m not expecting anything. I do like kissing you, though.”

“I like it, as well. Maybe too much.”

He winked. “I’ll keep that in mind.”

Tags: Melanie Moreland Romance
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2024