It Started With a Kiss (Insta-Spark) - Page 35


“You need to stop. I’m–I’m at work.”

“So am I.”

“You have a big offic

e. With a door, you can shut. Stop it.”

“You don’t have a door?”

I laughed. “Well, there is a frame, but no actual door to shut. We have small spaces—the walls don’t even go to the ceilings. Kind of an open-concept thing.”

“Hmm, well, I won’t come to visit then. Totally inadequate.”


“I can’t kiss you if I can’t shut the door, Avery. Not the way I like to.”

“Oh. Oh.”

He hummed in agreement. “Yeah. Like that.”

“Daniel—” I warned.

“Stopping now,” he sang, still chuckling.


“I love teasing you. Now, listen, I was wondering . . . I know it’s going to rain later tonight, but I heard it was going to be hot tomorrow. Would you like to go riding with me?”

“Are you sure you don’t want to wait and see how the date goes tonight?”

“No need. I already know it’ll be amazing. I’m just being proactive.”

“Okay. I don’t know how to ride, though.”

“I’ll show you. Promise.”

“Do you have, um, small horses?”

“I’ll pick the gentlest one for you.”

I looked up to see my boss in the doorway. “Okay. But, I have to go.”

“All right. Six forty-one, Sprite. Be ready.”

I laughed. His four-minute shortcut. “I’ll see you then.”

After my boss left, I picked up my phone and sent Daniel a text.

Would you like me to make a picnic for tomorrow? I thought maybe we could have lunch in the sun?

Half an hour later, I was in a meeting when his reply came back.

I love you

I almost swallowed my tongue.

Tags: Melanie Moreland Romance
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2024