It Started With a Kiss (Insta-Spark) - Page 80

He chuckled, the sound rumbling in his chest.

After Beth had told her story, making sure to highlight and overdramatize every detail, I was certain Daniel and I needed to run. Except my mother had laughed so hard over the squashing of my fingers, the halitosis worry, and my fear of Daniel being a closet clown that even my dad relaxed and chuckled at her amusement. Luckily, Beth did tone down the kissing part and amped up the romantic angle. She talked about the ice pack and how he insisted on taking care of me, then invited me to dinner. Her story seemed to satisfy my dad, and he let it go. He adored Beth, and the way she told the story was hilarious.

More stories were shared of the over-the-top wagers between Daniel and Caitlin, much to Daniel’s chagrin. Some of their antics were downright inane, but I still enjoyed hearing them.

When we left brunch, Daniel drove us to his house. He showed my dad around the clinic, and they disappeared to see the horses, leaving my mom and me to talk. I showed her the house and we walked the grounds. At one point, I saw Daniel and my dad in deep conversation by the barn. I started to walk toward them, but my mom insisted I leave them to “work it out on their own.”

“If Daniel is going to be part of your life, you need to let them hash things out. Your dad will have his say, and Daniel can have his.”

“Can he? Will Dad let him?”

She smiled, linking our arms, tugging me away. “I’ll let you in on a little secret. Your dad isn’t so bad. He’s just being a dad. And he likes Daniel. He liked the way he stood up to him yesterday.” She waggled her eyebrows. “That was quite a sight that greeted us when he opened the door. Your father didn’t know where to look.”

I sighed, thinking about how hot he had looked prior to the panic.

“Your man is rather sexy, Avery.”

We both giggled.

“I know, Mom. I know. But he is even more amazing inside. He makes me feel so loved.”

“He’s the whole package.”

I tried not to laugh at the fact my mother said package—or to think about Daniel’s package. I failed at both. Luckily, she laughed with me.

She shook her head. “I think, however, next visit, we’ll call ahead.”

“Good idea. I thought Dad’s head was going to explode.”

My mom fanned herself. “I thought I might.” She winked in an exaggerated fashion. “I swear, daughter of mine, if I was forty years younger and not so in love with your father . . .”

I didn’t tell Daniel. I was sure his head would have been the one to explode that time.

I smiled up at Daniel. “They liked you—once they got over the shock.”

“Good, because I’m not going anywhere.”


A wide, mischievous grin lit up his face.

I gasped in surprise as he swung me up into his arms, striding toward my apartment.

“What are you doing?”

“Your parents are gone.”


“Alone. We’re alone for the first time in a week.”

“Oh. Oh!”

His voice was a low growl in my ear. “I think it’s time to find a wall and celebrate, Sprite.”

A long shiver raced down my spine. “Walk faster, Daniel.”

Rain hit my window, the sound steadily beating against the glass. I glanced at my watch with a frown. Daniel was late.

Tags: Melanie Moreland Romance
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2024