It Started With a Kiss (Insta-Spark) - Page 92

“Three babies, Avery!” My hand flew to her stomach.

That changed everything.

She smiled, her eyes wide, beaming with happiness. “I know.”

“The nursery will have to be down the hall. Three cribs won’t fit in the room.”

She laughed. “So you yelled just before you passed out.” She cupped my cheek, brushing her lips over my skin. “It’s okay, Daniel. We’ll figure it out.”

I pulled her close, burying my face in her neck. “Avery, we’re gonna have three babies. Three!”

“Your favorite number.”

I kissed her and ran my hand in small circles over her stomach where my children were growing. “These are the best three of them all. Thank you, my beautiful wife.”

Panicked, I looked at Dr. Pritchard. “Did I miss the heartbeats?”

Both he and the technician laughed. “No, Daniel. You, ah, interrupted the ultrasound.”


“You up to finishing the scan?”

I nodded eagerly, wincing a little.

“Okay. Let’s finish this up, then we’ll go to my office and talk. I’ve no doubt you have many questions. I’ll give you some Tylenol, as well.” He threw me a grin as he lifted Avery’s T-shirt. “Try to stay upright, Daniel.”

I chuckled. “Just don’t change your mind and tell me you missed another one.”

“Don’t even say that!” Avery gasped, her fingers pinching my side.

I groaned as I rubbed the sore spot and kissed her head in apology.

Freakishly strong.

I needed to remember that if I was going to survive this pregnancy.

And then . . .

The rapid sounds of multiple heartbeats filled the room and nothing else mattered.

Only Avery and my three children.

My family.


I slipped in the side door, to greet my mom, and Janett. She had arrived a few days prior to help Avery during the last part of her pregnancy.

“How is she?”

Janett shrugged. “Cheerful. T

ired. Crying. Anxious. And all in the space of about ten minutes.”

“Uh, yeah.” That was about normal these days. “Is she asleep?”

“I think so.”

Tags: Melanie Moreland Romance
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2024