It Started With a Kiss (Insta-Spark) - Page 96

I kissed her with utter abandon. Everything I felt for her was in my kiss. Love, happiness, lust, gratitude, and complete adoration.

All for my Avery. My Sprite.

For what she meant to me.

For the blessing of my children.

For the rich, full life she’d created with me.

I pressed another light kiss on her lips, both of us smiling and breathless when we broke apart. Without a word, I slipped her rings on her right hand and bent down to kiss her finger where they rested. I held them against my mouth unable to form the proper words to express how profound my feelings were for her. I lowered my head to her shoulder, needing the comfort of her touch. Her hand slipped into my hair, caressing my scalp in light, loving touches, conveying her own silent feelings.

As the crest of emotion passed, I lifted my head and entwined our hands, her new rings glinting in the light.

Together, we watched our children sleep.

I huffed a sigh. “Really, Beth. You had to put bows around my children?”

She laughed. “It’s just for the pictures, Daniel. You can add in their names and use them as announcement cards, too. Avery thought they were cute.”

I looked back and had to grin. They were adorable, and if Avery liked them, then it was fine. All three of them were asleep, their little bums sticking up in the air and a huge silky bow—blue for the boys and pink for Maggie, who was always between them—resting on top of their diapers. It would make a cute photograph; although, I could imagine the horror the boys would experience when they saw the picture as teenagers. I could already see Avery cooing in delight as she showed it to their girlfriends and went on about how precious they were as babies.

Maggie, of course, would not have to suffer that indignation, since she wouldn’t be allowed to date until she was thirty—at the earliest.

We’d only been home for about a week with the babies. They had done surprisingly well. After two weeks in NICU, they were ready to go home, and I loved having my family all together.

Avery was discharged after five days, but we’d spent most of our time at the hospital to feed and be involved hands-on with the babies. If Avery had her way, she’d have been there 24/7, but she did listen to Dr. Pritchard and came home in the evenings to rest and look after herself. I loved being able to care for her during those short hours, and I catered to her every whim, wishing there was more of them. She was an easy patient.

Now she was home for good, the house buzzed all the time. There were constant feedings, diaper changes, and people milling around. My favorite time of day was late in the evening, when it was only Avery, our little ones, and me. I’d carry them in, and we’d sit on our big bed, cuddling and talking to them, delighting in every noise and facial expression they made.

The first time I held them in the hospital was one of the most profound moments in my life. Feeling their tiny, warm bodies snuggle into mine had brought forth the most intense, protective feeling I had ever experienced, only rivaling the one I felt for Avery. I knew there was nothing I wouldn’t do for my children; I would protect and love them at any cost. Seeing Avery hold them brought tears to my eyes at the utter joy in her expression. I felt complete.

Together, we had become a family.

Avery came in, smiling at our babies, ghosting her hands over their backs. Her rings glinted in the light, small sparkles reflecting on the walls around us as her hands stroked and soothed the tender skin. Bending down, she kissed all three, then finished with a lingering kiss to my mouth. Not one to miss an opportunity, I dragged her face close to mine and kissed her again. And again. Each one deeper, longer, and more passionate.

She whimpered against my lips. “Is six weeks up yet?”

I rested my forehead to hers. We were having trouble waiting, but knew we had to follow the doctor’s orders. “Soon,” I promised.

She dropped another lingering kiss on my face. “Good.” She chuckled. “If we can find any time.”

I laughed into her hair. “I’ll hire a night nanny, as well. I have a feeling we’re going to need one, anyway.”

Right on cue, she yawned. “I might let you do that without much fuss,” she admitted.

Neither of us were getting much sleep, and we knew things wouldn’t change for a while. My mom knew someone who was happy to work nights, helping new parents. I’d get her number.

I hugged her close. “I’ll call Phyllis tomorrow.”

Beth came in holding her camera. “Okay. People are arriving. Let’s take these pictures, then we can get the munchkins dressed.”

I stood up grumbling. I knew I’d agreed to the small get-together so our friends and other family could meet the triplets, but I still hated sharing. I wanted every moment when I wasn’t at work with them. “I won’t even get to hold them this afternoon. Everybody will want a turn.”

Avery laughed as she handed me Maggie. “It’s only for a couple hours, Daddy. Then you can have your baby girl back.”

Maggie snuggled into me, and I held her close, breathing her in. She had me wrapped around her tiny finger so tight I would never be free again.

“Okay, fine.” I pouted, knowing Avery would kiss me if I did.

Tags: Melanie Moreland Romance
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2024