An Unexpected Chance (Insta-Spark) - Page 9

A lot.


I turned at the sound of Mia’s voice, shaking my head to clear it of the lustful thoughts that were creeping in.

“Hey, Sweet Pea.”

She hurried over and crawled into my lap. I pressed a kiss to her head. “Finished the movie?”


“Dory all good?”



“When are we going to Uncle E’s?”

“Soon. I’ll take you around four.”

“How come you’re not staying this time?”

“Oh.” I cleared my throat, the nerves kicking in. “Daddy has a date tonight.”

She scrunched up her nose. “A date?”


“How come?”

I blew out a breath. “Because sometimes grown-ups like to have time with other grown-ups.”

“You don’t like Uncle E and Auntie Holly?”

I laughed and kissed her again. “Yes, I do. Very much. But other grown-ups are fun too. Just the same as you like playing with other kids besides your cousins.”

She nodded. “Is your date a lady?”

“Yes. A very pretty one.”

“Do I know her?”

“Yes. Ms. McNeil.”

Her eyes grew round. “I like her.”

“I like her too. So I’m taking her to dinner to give her a chance to see if she might like me too.”

“And I can’t come?”

“Not tonight. Maybe another time.”

“Okay,” she replied easily. “Aunt Holly says we’re having a sleepover. Are you having one?”

I felt the heat in my neck start to build, the skin getting damp. I never expected to be quizzed by my young daughter about dating and sleepovers. I wasn’t ready for this.

“No, just dinner and a music show,” I explained. “But it will be late, so Auntie Holly thought it best if you sleep over. I’ll come get you in the morning.”

She shook her head. “We’re having pancakes and going to the craft fair. You can come after lunch.”

I chuckled. There were always plans when it came to Holly. “Okay, then. I’ll come after lunch.”

She leaned her head on my shoulder, and we sat quietly for a moment. I stroked over her dark hair, enjoying the moment with her.


“Yeah, Sweet Pea?”

“Are you gonna kiss Ms. McNeil?”

Instantly, my neck got hot again.


She looked up at me. “You kiss goodnight on dates. I know this.” She wrinkled her nose. “I don’t think I would like it, but it’s a rule. So I’m not going to date for a long time.”

“Good plan,” I muttered.

“So, are you?”

“If it’s a rule, I suppose I have to,” I said with a grin.

“Just on the cheek. That’s fine,” she assured me.

“Got it.”

She jumped from my knee. “I’m going to go get my stuff ready.”

“You do that. I’ll be there in a few moments to help.”

She stopped at the door. “I’m a big girl, Daddy. I can do it myself.”

Then she was gone.

I leaned back in my chair, chuckling.

I was pretty sure it wasn’t going to be Ms. McNeil’s cheek I was aiming for. But I was going to kiss her.

After all, it was the rule.



I arrived promptly at seven, unsure what to expect. Kelsey used to keep me waiting all the time. But Amy opened the door, smiling and ready.

I handed her the bouquet of flowers I had picked up for her.

“You look stunning,” I said, taking her in. She was dressed in a floaty skirt, the bottom edges jagged and trimmed in lace. Her blouse hung off one shoulder, exposing her creamy skin and showing me a ladybug tattoo on her shoulder that I immediately wanted to kiss. Her hair was a mass of waves tumbling down her back, and her makeup was simple and perfect. She was artlessly sexy and beautiful.

“Thank you,” she replied. “You look damn fine yourself, Mr. Fletcher. Come in while I put these in water.”

I stepped in, and she leaned to kiss my cheek. I couldn’t resist capturing her mouth with mine and kissing her. I cupped her face, moving my lips with hers. She lifted one hand, sliding it up the back of my neck, holding me close. It took everything in me not to turn her and press her against the wall and ravish her mouth until she was whimpering in need. I pulled back, dropping another kiss to her lips, then pressed my mouth to her forehead.

“Sorry, I couldn’t wait. I’ve been thinking about it since I left you.”

She peered up at me, her lovely eyes filled with amusement.

“Don’t apologize for kissing me. I liked it.” She rose up on her toes and pressed her mouth to mine in a fast, hard kiss. “And I’ve been thinking about it too.”

She walked away, the material of her skirt swaying around her ankles, her exposed shoulder showing me more of the tattoo that ended on the front of her chest. More ladybugs and butterflies decorated her skin. I stopped myself from following her to discover how far down it went on her back.

I had to adjust myself before she returned. I hadn’t felt this level of desire and lust in forever.

“First date,” I muttered to myself. “It’s the first date, so calm down.”

Tags: Melanie Moreland Romance
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2024