Conveniently His Princess - Page 47

“Hey…that’s my line.”

“Then you’ll have to share it with me.”

He withdrew from her depths carefully, making her realize that his erection hadn’t subsided. His groan echoed her moan at the burn of separation. He soothed her, suckling her nipples until she wrapped herself around him again.

Unclasping her thighs from around him, he gave a distressed laugh. “You might think you’re ready for another round of devastation, but trust me, you’re not.” He propped himself on his elbow, gathered her along his length, looking down at her with such sensual indulgence, her core flowed again. “It’s merciful I had no idea it would be like this between us or I would have pounced on you long ago.”

Feeling free and incredibly wanton, she rubbed her hands down his chest and twined her legs through his. “You should have.”

He pressed into her, daunting arousal undiminished, body buzzing with vitality and dominance and lust. “I should make you pay for all these times you looked at me as if I was the brother you never had.”

She arched, opening for his erection, needing him back inside her. “You should.”

He chuckled, a dozen devils dancing in his incredible eyes. “Behave. You’re too sore now. Give it an hour or two, then I’ll…make you pay.”

“Make me pay now. I loved the way you made me sore so much I almost died of pleasure. Make me sore again, Aram.”

“And all this time I was afraid you were this sexless tomboy. Then after one kiss, that disguise you wear comes off and there’s the most perfectly formed and uninhibited sex goddess beneath it all. You almost did kill me with pleasure, too.”

“How about we flirt with mortal danger some more?”


Calling her enchantress, he crushed her in his arms and thrust against her, sliding his erection up and down between the lips of her core, nudging her nub over and over.

The pleasure was unimaginable, built so quickly, a sweet, sharp burn in her blood, a tightening in her depths that now knew exactly how to unfurl and undo her. She opened herself wide for him, let him pleasure her this way.

Feeling the advance tremors of a magnificent orgasm strengthening, she undulated faster against him. Her pleas became shrieks as pleasure tore through her.

He pinned her beneath him as she thrashed, bucked, gliding over his hardness to the exact pressure and rhythm to drain her of the last spark of pleasure her body needed to discharge.

Then, kneeling between her splayed legs, he pumped his erection a few last times and roared as he climaxed over her.

She’d never seen anything as incredible, as fulfilling as watching him take his pleasure, rain it over the body he’d just owned and pleasured. The sight of his face in the grip of orgasm…

Then he was coming down half over her, mingling the beats of their booming hearts.

“Now I might have a heart attack thinking of all the times I was hard as steel around you and didn’t realize this—” he made an explicit gesture at all of her spread beneath him, no doubt the very sight of abandon “—was in store for me if I just grabbed you and plunged inside you.”

“Sorry for wasting your time being so oblivious.”

His eyes were suddenly anxious, fervent. “You wasted nothing. I was just joking. I can never describe how grateful I am that we became friends first. I wouldn’t change a second we had together, ya kanzi. Say you believe that.”

She brought him down to her. “I believe you. Always. And I feel exactly the same. I wouldn’t change a thing.”

She didn’t know anything more but that she was surrounded by passion and protection and sinking into a realm of absolute safety and contentment….


She woke up to the best sight on the planet.

A naked Aram standing at the window, gazing outside through a crack in the shutters. From the spear of light, she judged it must be almost sunset again. He’d woken her up twice through the night and day, showed her again and again that there was no limit to the pleasure they could share.

As if feeling her eyes on him, he turned at once, his smile the best dawn she’d ever witnessed.

She struggled to sit up in bed as he brought her a tray. Then he sat beside her, feeding her, cossetting her. The blatant intimacy in his eyes suddenly made her blush as everything they’d done together washed over her. She buried her flaming face in his chest.

He laughed out loud. “You’re just unbearably cute being shy now after you blew my mind and every cell in my body with how responsive and uninhibited you are.”

Tags: Olivia Gates Billionaire Romance
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2024