Mr. Bloomsbury (Mister) - Page 36

“Come here.”

I encouraged her to her feet and then drew her toward me. She straddled me, the heat of her rubbing against my hard length. I cupped her head and drew her toward me, snaking my tongue into her mouth and kissing her.



This was what I wanted.

The feel of her entire body against mine, her arms around my neck, her breath mixed with mine.

I relaxed into our kiss all lips and tongue and passion. It felt good. Right. Like the final piece of a jigsaw that had just been found under a wine glass. We clicked together. I felt complete satisfaction, and I wasn’t even inside her yet.

Instinctively our bodies began to move together and I grabbed the condom I’d pulled out of my wallet when I’d undressed.

She shifted back on my lap as I rolled it on. Our eyes fixed on each other, she stood astride me as I held my cock at the base. Without breaking our stare, she lowered herself onto me. I gripped her hips and tried not to explode at the friction of her tight cunt.

Fuck. Fuck. Fuck.

“You feel good,” she said.

I nodded, unable to add to what she’d said. Saying it was “good” was like saying it rained in England. It was obvious. And the truth. But it was also the biggest understatement I’d ever heard. This wasn’t just good. She wasn’t just beautiful.

Fucking Sofia deserved a fireworks display and a sixty-piece orchestra. I needed to take out an advert in the Times to tell people how completely fantastic I felt when this woman was naked and on my cock.

I enjoyed sex. Savored it. Made it a priority in my life. But this? Sex with Sofia? I needed to do nothing else but fuck her. The feel of her made me want to give up my job, take her to some deserted island and just fuck her, all day every day.

I began to shift her hips. Slowly, back and forward, in small intense movements so I could make this last. This woman had endured me torturing her until now; it felt selfish to take my orgasm as quickly as I could. I had to fight every urge to flip her over the table and fuck her into oblivion.

“I don’t know how long I’m going to last. I’m so full up with you. It’s like you’re . . .”

I began to move her faster now. Knowing that we were both so close, I couldn’t think of a reason to hold back. Her hips moved in perfect rhythm; my cock plunged in and out; my fingertips pushed into her flesh.

We locked eyes.

“It’s like you’re . . . in my head,” she said.

I licked up her throat and took her bottom lip between mine. Our tongues crashed together as she began to climax. I wrapped my arms around her and pulled her close as I erupted into her, the vibrations of our orgasms mixing and binding us closer together.

As we floated back down from the high, the rise and fall of our joined chests began to slow. We sat there with our cheeks pressed together, and I refused to let her go. I wanted to eek out as much from this moment as possible.

“What was that?” Sofia whispered.

I didn’t know.

Intense wasn’t a good enough description. It was as if the tectonic plates under us had shifted and swallowed us whole. She moved her head and put a small kiss on my shoulder. I closed my eyes, drinking in the perfection of such a small, intimate gesture. It was just what I wanted in that moment.

We stayed that way, embracing, our bodies only moving with our breaths.

“We should move at some point,” Sofia said eventually.

“I suppose.” I trailed my fingers down her spine.

She looked at me like she wanted to say something but stopped herself, then stood and headed toward the bathroom I remembered down the hall.

I liked that she didn’t try to cover up. She just wandered naked to the hallway.

I tipped my head back and reality started to seep back into my thoughts. I was back to square one as far as Verity, Inc. was concerned. Maybe I’d go for a run tomorrow morning and try to come up with some new ideas.

“What are you thinking about?” Sofia asked as she reappeared in the doorway.

“You.” I stood and headed to the sink to get a drink. “And work.”

“Well, me, I know. Tell me about work, James.”

I took out a glass and let the tap run ice-cold before I filled it. “I want to buy a company and the owner of it doesn’t want to sell.” That was the crux of it.

She took a long gulp of her water and I watched her throat as she swallowed. Fuck, everything this girl did was sexy. “He doesn’t want to sell or he doesn’t want to sell to you?”

Tags: Louise Bay Romance
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2024