Lucky Timing (Lucky in Love) - Page 6

“There's nothing to tell.” She says, shifting in her seat.

“I fail to believe that. A young woman as beautiful as you, you have to have men following you around like lost puppies.”

“Hardly. I don’t really get out much, and guys think I’m nerdy because I am always reading.” Fucking idiots. She is a Goddess. “I am more interested in your life. My grandmother says you travel all over the world taking photos for magazines. That sounds amazing and glamorous.”

“It can be, but mostly it is one hotel after another.”

“Is this what you have always wanted to do?”

“Yeah, actually. I have always been interested in the world outside of this city and have always had a love for taking photos. I guess I sort of merged them.” We are interrupted by Tommy coming to welcome us.

“Liam, my friend. I finally get you into my place. Good to see you.” I stand and shake his hand before giving him a one-handed hug.

“Sorry, it took me so long but as expensive as this place is, I wanted to save it for someone special.” My eyes lock on hers, so she knows I am serious.

“I see. And who might you be?” he grabs her hand to kiss it. Snatching it from his grasp, I hold it in my own. “I don’t blame you, my friend.” He winks and turns to me. “Anything on the menu is yours, on the house.”

“Thank you, my friend.” he nods and walks away. My eyes scan the room, and it could be this possessive asshole she brings out in me, but I swear every breathing male in here with a six-foot radius is staring at her, and it is making my body itchy like something is crawling on me.

“Is everything ok?” She asks, her voice laced with concern. I simply nod, unable to speak for fear of what is going to come out of my mouth. She smiles and continues talking. “You were telling me how you chose this line of work. Did you ever consider anything else?” Her gaze is so intense I feel like I am taking a test I didn't study for.

“Such as?”

“I don’t know something stateside where you can settle down and have a family or something.” Her question throws me. It literally freezes me up because I never considered that…until now. Somehow, I don’t think saying that is going to be a good idea right now.

“I didn’t.” Honesty falls from my mouth, and I can immediately tell the moment of the night is lost. She smiles and nods her head as our dishes are brought out. She compliments the chef and comments on the food, but the connection we were making is sort of severed, and I want it back.

Pulling up in front of her grandmother’s house, I have the urge to drive away and lock her in my hotel room. “Is everything alright, Orla?” She faces me, and I swear the sadness in her eyes is like a knife to my gut.

“Yes. I had a great time. Thank you for dinner.” She says dismissively. She moves to open the door, but I stop her and get out to do it myself.

“Me too, angel.” before I can say anything else, she says goodbye and walks into the front door. Why do I feel like I just lost something?

Chapter Six


“So, how was your date?” My grandma asks me as I walk in.

“It was…nice. He was nice.” I can’t seem to find anything to say.

“That’s it? He was nice. It was nice?” I shrug and walk into the guestroom to change. I try to convince myself as I wash my face and change clothes that I am not sad. I mean, it is ridiculous, right? I don’t even know him, so why do I feel like I walked away from something? “You can’t hide in there forever,” Grandma screams from the living room. Ugh. Of course, she would still be awake.

“What are you out here yelling about, young lady?” Putting my hand on my hip, I tease her hoping she drops this.

“I was trying to figure out why you are trying to hide from me. Tell me what happened?”

“That’s just it, seanmháthair, nothing can happen. He travels for work, and he has never wanted anything else and doesn’t now. So, that’s that.” She gives me the stink eye before walking into the kitchen with me.

“Well, sweet girl, I am proud of you for going. It may not be him, but your prince charming is out there. You just have to put yourself out there.” She hugs me and kisses my cheek.

“Thanks, seanmháthair. Ugh. Tomorrow is D-day.” I say, making the hangman's face. She chuckles at the term I use when referring to the day I have to go back home and mingle with the parents. The deal I made with my parents was that I could stay with my grandma four days out of the week to take care of her and look after her, but then for three days, I have to go back home and be ‘part of the household.’ See. D-day.

Tags: ChaShiree M Romance
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2025