Camp Hot Mess (Walker Hills 2) - Page 10

She smiles. “Yeah, it sure is.”

We reach the cabins and go door to door asking if anyone has seen my bag, but they all say no. When we get back to my cabin, Lei helps me look again but once again we come up empty. Now I’m a little worried, mostly because my keys are in that bag, all my credit cards and personal items were all in there. If someone has those, they could find out where I live ... they could get into my house.

I don’t understand why someone would steal it, though?

Feeling a little uneasy, I turn to Lei when she’s done looking and comes up with nothing. “I’m sorry, honey, I can’t find anything. Are you sure you didn’t take it with you today?”

“I’m sure,” I murmur.

“I’ll go and have another look at the house, maybe it was placed up there and we missed it. Don’t worry, we’ll find it.”

She gives me a hug, which is a little awkward, and then she goes to the house while I dig through the cabin once again, even though I know it’s not here. I give up after another twenty or so minutes and go sit on the porch. Lei comes back with Rhett and Enzo a few hours later. I’m guessing they found nothing either.

“No luck?” Rhett asks.

I shake my head. “Nothing, I’ve looked everywhere.”

“We’ll talk to everyone, make sure nobody has taken it. We’ll talk to the stable hands too. Don’t worry, we’ll find your bag.”

I nod.

I can’t shake the uneasy feeling in my chest. I’m trying to, but something doesn’t feel right, and I’m becoming a little concerned.

“You look uneasy,” Enzo says, his eyes narrowing as he studies my face.

“I’m fine,” I say, forcing a smile. “Don’t worry about me, cowboy.”

Rhett smirks and Enzo shoots me a glare.

“You think I won’t take you over my knee, woman, but fuck me I will.”

“I’ve already told you I’m waiting.”

“Well,” Rhett says, clapping his hands together. “C’mon, babe. Let’s leave these two alone.”

Lei winks at me and then follows Rhett when he turns to leave.

I watch them go, and then stare at Enzo. “You’re still here ...”

His eyes grow a little hooded and oh, my heart skips a beat. “So I am. You goin’ to invite me in for a drink or do I have to invite myself?”

Calm down, vagina, it’s a drink.

The ache between my legs is telling me otherwise.

“I’m not blocking your path,” I say, my voice low and a little sultry.

Enzo grins and walks up the front porch steps and when he reaches me, he places his hands on the arm of the chair either side of me and leans down. “Where’s the beer?”

His mouth is so close to mine I feel like I’ve forgotten how to breathe.

“Fridge,” I murmur.

He pushes upright again and walks into the cabin. I hear him having a conversation with Faye, who giggles so loudly I can’t help but laugh.

Returning a minute later with two beers in hand, he sits down beside me and hands me one. I take it, meeting his eyes and feeling an overwhelmingly strong sexual connection.

I need my mind distracted right now.

He’d be perfect for the job.

I wonder if tonight is the night he agrees.


I tip my head back as laughter trails out from my throat.

Enzo chuckles, and we both burst out laughing again the second his eyes meet mine. I can’t seem to stop myself, the hysterical noises coming from my mouth are addictive, and I like how they feel.

“Shhh,” I say, pressing a hand over his mouth. “We’re going to wake Faye.”

He takes my hand off his mouth and jerks me closer. “Well, don’t make fuckin’ filthy jokes and we won’t laugh.”

“Well, don’t tell me about a woman who farted during sex, and I won’t make filthy jokes.”

We start laughing again.

He just told me the funniest story about his first time and the girl was so nervous she farted during sex, and it smelt so bad, but he didn’t want to say anything. It was the funniest story I have ever heard, and I’ve since been throwing jokes at him every chance I get.

We’re both drunk, and this would have to be the best night I’ve had in a long time. It has been a while since I’ve unwound so fully. Faye had a few drinks with us before going to bed. We didn’t even go down for dinner, we are having such a good time neither of us wanted to leave, so we just drank and talked and fuck me if we don’t get along so damned well.

“I should go,” Enzo murmurs. “It’s nearly midnight. I gotta get up at four to work.”

I stare up at him, still close, his hand is still wrapped around my wrist from when he pulled me forward just now. I swallow, because I really don’t want him to leave. I want him to stay here, the entire night if he has to.

Tags: Bella Jewel Walker Hills Romance
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2024