Camp Hot Mess (Walker Hills 2) - Page 17

Feeling the length of him slowly slide in and out of me is the most incredible feeling I’ve ever experienced with a man. I can feel every single moment as my body releases him and then takes him again, stretching out, his head slowly pushing into me, his cock filling places that I’d just never notice before. My moans intensify and his growls tell me he’s loving every second of it.

Up and down, I do this until an orgasm is hanging on the threads, ready to wash over me, ready to take me to a different height. I hold it back, panting and clenching as I keep moving, our bodies pushing together, his groans becoming more intense until I just know he’s near the end. Only then do I let myself feel every single bit of what I’ve been holding back. Pleasure, unlike anything I’ve ever felt, explodes inside me, slowly expanding out until my legs shake and my nails dig into his flesh.

I cry out his name, and he growls with his own release as the two of us find it together.

I lose my concentration as my body shudders and I throw my head back, without thought.

The kayak rocks.

I try to steady it but in doing that, I only make it worse.

Before I know it, we’re both in the water.

Uh oh, I’m going to pay for that.

And I can’t wait.


“You fucked him in the kayak?” Chev asks when I get back to the cabin later that night. I found them all out in front of mine, drinking.

I lean against the porch railing after telling them of my incredible night.

The sex was out of this world, the best thing I’ve ever felt in my life. Even if we did end up in the water after it, I would do it a thousand times over.

“Oh yes, and it was fucking incredible. He’s a bad man. I then tipped us out, by accident.”

“Wait?” Alice laughs. “You fell out?”

I nod, grinning.

“How did you get back in?” Faye asks.

“He helped me back in, but he couldn’t get in himself, so I rowed and he held the back until we got back to shore. It was kind of romantic, until he grabbed me, kissed me, then told me I’d pay for that. Then he left.”

“Oh my.” Faye’s cheeks go bright red. “I’m kind of jealous.”

“I’m kind of ready to know what he says,” Chev says, her eyes wide.

Alice nods in agreeance.

“Well, when I find out, I’ll let you know. Until then, I’m going to shower and sleep, because I’m tired.”

They all give me a cheerful goodnight, and I make my way inside the cabin and into my room. I pause when I see something on my bed, just sitting there, in the middle of my blanket, as if it had been there all along. My bag. I narrow my eyes and look around the room, heart racing. How the hell did this get back here? Maybe someone found it and returned it?

My heart is telling me otherwise.

My gut is twisting.

I’m probably overreacting.

I go out and ask the girls if they placed the bag on my bed —they all shake their head and tell me they’ve only been into the kitchen to get a drink. I message Lei and ask if someone had returned it, she asks around and tells me no, they hadn’t had anyone come up.

I don’t feel good about it, everything inside me is uneasy.

Maybe it was one of the other moms and they’ll tell me when they wake in the morning.

I’m sure I’m just being paranoid.

I walk over to it anyway and pick it up; it looks exactly the same as I left it, soft brown leather with two long straps so I can carry it on my back. I open it up and inside, I pull out my purse and my car keys and my house keys. Everything is there, just as I left it, and yet something is screaming at me that this isn’t right.

It just doesn’t feel normal.

I go to place it down when something catches my eye right down the bottom of the bag, I reach in and pull out a gum wrapper. It’s a common gum, a lot of people use it, but I for one never chew gum, so I know for a fact it isn’t mine. My heart flip flops as I frantically empty the rest of the bag. That’s the only thing in there that’s different.

The only thing.

I throw the bag onto the ground and sit on the end of the bed.

My phone rings, and I see Enzo’s name flash on the screen.

I answer it, my voice far less enthusiastic than it had been when he last saw me.

“Hey,” he murmurs. “Lei said your bag came back. That’s good, yeah?”

“I don’t know,” I mumble, still distracted by the gum wrapper.

Tags: Bella Jewel Walker Hills Romance
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2024