Camp Hot Mess (Walker Hills 2) - Page 52

They must be the ones making a deal.

I walk out, as instructed, taking a deep breath and acting like I’m getting some fresh air. Inside, I’m literally shitting myself. I can’t see any police officers, and I wonder where the hell they’re going to come from. Are they just hiding in the damn bushes waiting to attack?

I close my eyes for a second and take a deep breath. Then I move closer to the group of people who look overly suspicious.

“Hello. June.”

I turn at the sound of Joel’s voice and see him standing behind me. One look at him tells me that he’s high as a kite. Whatever they did to get him in prime position clearly included drugging him because it’s clear to me the man has no idea what’s going on. He’s grinning like he’s just won the lottery and I’m the prize. Little does he know he’s about to go down.

I keep my calm and distance as I say, “I was wondering when you’d finally show your slimy face instead of hiding in the shadows. Terrible stalking skills, by the way, I knew it was you all along.”

I didn’t, but I don’t want him to see how scared I am.

He grins, showing me that he is now missing a tooth. The man was handsome once, really handsome, but as time has gone on, he is less so. His dark brown hair is shaggy and unkempt, his blue eyes are dull, and his skin is pale. He has lost his bulky muscle and his clothes now hang on him. I’m thinking it didn’t take much for them to get him to take drugs –judging by how he looks, he’s already well into them.

“I wasn’t trying to hide. I wanted you to know I was there, to be scared.”

I snort. “You didn’t think I was scared of you, did you?”

“The way you ran the other night would say otherwise.”

“I was just ensuring you didn’t come near me, it had nothing to do with fear and everything to do with not wanting a single inch of you in my space.”

He grins again, only this time it’s more a baring of the teeth. “I don’t like your attitude.”

“I don’t like your face,” I throw back, crossing my arms. “Speaking of your face, what the hell did you do to it?”

He looks pissed off but doesn’t respond to my question.

“We’re going to talk,” he growls, stepping closer.

I take a step back. “But we’re not. I have absolutely nothing to say to you, and I never will.”

“You have my son. You can’t run forever. I’m entitled to see him, to be in his life.”

“My son is Ronnie’s, there is not a single ounce of him that belongs to you.”

Joel grins again. “I know you’re lying, the boy looks just like me, and I’m not going to go away until he’s with me, where he belongs.”

I snort. “He belongs nowhere near you and your pathetic, stalking ass.”

Joel looks pissed now. “You better be very careful how you speak to me; my temper is very short.”

I keep my arms crossed. “You don’t think I know that? I recall it, remember, which is why we’re not together anymore and you have a restraining order out against you. Which, by the way, you’re breaking.”

He looks around, opening his arms wide. “And who is here to see? You’re a fool, June. You think you’re smarter than me but you’re wrong, I’m going to take my son and you’re going to let me, if not ... I can make you disappear.”

My stomach coils, but I school my features. “In what world do you think I’d ever let you come near me or my son.”

“Oh, but, June, you won’t get a choice.”

I grin. “Won’t I?”

As if on cue, as if they were listening the entire time, the parking lot comes to life with police appearing from behind cars, buildings, and even the garage. They appear as if they were ghosts in the night being summoned forward. My eyes widen, and I’m in shock at how effortless they’re making it look. Joel’s eyes widen in shock, and the men who were placing the deal behind me scatter.

The police move quickly, stopping them before they can get far.

Two officers approach Joel and have him on the ground in seconds –he’s too shocked to understand what’s happening for a moment.

“You’ve got the wrong man,” Joel yells as they jerk his hands behind his back. “I’m not part of this.”

The officer reaches into Joel’s pockets and pull out a bag of drugs. “Don’t lie to me, son.”

Joel’s eyes get big. “Those aren’t mine!”

They bring him to his feet and he’s fighting in the cuffs, still shocked, still surprised. People are all around now, watching with their phones held high as the police bring down a good portion of people. Joel is just an extra in the mix, and they’re basically bringing him down as a favor to the bikers. The real criminals are the ones making the deal, and my guess is they will do anything to get those, even bringing in a man who has nothing to do with it.

Tags: Bella Jewel Walker Hills Romance
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2024