Camp Hot Mess (Walker Hills 2) - Page 54

I absolutely love this fiery side to Enzo.

The dominant side.

The strong side.

The side that takes me, and fucks me, and has no apology.

Oh yes, I could die and go to heaven with this side.

Enzo growls his release, one hand tangled in my hair jerking my head back, the other on my ass, squeezing my flesh.

It’s the most erotic thing I’ve ever felt.

He releases my throat and leans back, panting, his eyes hooded and dark.

“You’re fuckin’ wild,” he growls. “I can’t get enough of you.”

“Ditto,” I pant as he slowly releases me.

When my leg is back on the ground, and my mind isn’t spinning from pleasure, I straighten myself up. My neck aches from the bite, and my bottom burns. I know I’ll have marks tomorrow, and that excites me in ways it shouldn’t. I want to explore more with Enzo. I want to dig so deep into this side of him that there is no longer anything to hide.

I want every inch of him.

I want to see what he’ll do to me with that.

Will he punish me? Will he be tender? Both?

I can’t wait to find out. There isn’t a single part of me that isn’t ready for more of whatever it is he’s offering.

Not just his body, either.

No, that would be so cliché of me.

I want his soul, too.

The darkest parts.

The lightest parts.

But mostly, the parts he has never shown anyone else.

Oh yes.

I want Enzo all to myself.

I BRING THE MICROPHONE to my lips, and I sing at the top of my lungs, rocking the ranch restaurant like I’m in an eighties’ karaoke bar. I close my eyes and bellow out the words to Total Eclipse of The Heart – a favorite of mine. I know I sound like a stuck pig, but I’m drunk and because of that, I’m having the time of my life.

Faye is beside me, murmuring her part of the song “Turn around” every time it comes on. She’s trying to do a deep, seductive voice and is coming across more as a pumped-up teenaged boy than anything resembling a sexy woman. I can hear the laughter as we sing, but oh, I don’t care. This is the best fun I’ve had in so long, and now Joel is gone; I can let myself really enjoy this retreat.

We’re on our final week.

I don’t know how that went so fast, but here we are.

I’m a bit sad, if I’m being honest. Mostly because the last week has been spent in Enzo’s arms. Every single night we’ve been together, fucking and talking, bonding in ways I didn’t think was possible in such a short time. Soon, we must have the discussion about what happens next. I can’t just leave my life. I have Hudson, Ronnie and we don’t live in this town. Hell, we don’t even live near this town.

That thought saddens me, but I try not to let it ruin my night.

I finish up the song with a swooping bow and then jump off the stage, handing the microphone to someone else as I go for my drink to soothe my parched throat. That was so much fun. Faye is giggling beside me, pumped up more than I’ve seen her on this entire trip. She’s really letting her hair down now, and her vibe is addictive.

“You two were epic,” Chev laughs, clinking her glass against mine.

I grin. “I don’t know if epic is the word I’d use, but we sure as hell gave it our best shot.”

I glance over at Enzo, who raises his glass to me with a grin on his face. He promised me a night I won’t forget, and I’m wondering what he’s got planned for us. So far, we’ve had dinner, drinks and they brought out the karaoke machine, but otherwise...I have no idea what he’s going to do. I’m a little bit excited. The sex has been beyond wild with him, and I want to squeeze as much in as I can before the retreat is over.

There’s that sinking feeling again.

I go over to him, needing just one kiss, one hand on my ass, one press against my body. I need his touch more than anything right now. I can’t get enough of him.

“Excellent singing skills,” he murmurs, pulling me close and bringing his lips down over mine.

I tremble.

God that’s good.

I pull back and look up at him. “Why thank you, I put a lot of time and effort into expanding my vocals for that very moment.”

He grins.

My heart does a little flip flop.

Snap out of it, Juniper.


“You ready for your wild night?” he asks me, eyes scanning over my face.

“I thought you’d never ask.”

He puts his glass down. “Come with me.”

We exit the restaurant together, hand in hand, and I don’t question a single thing as he leads me to the barn. When I step inside, I stop, staring in absolute disbelief. There, right in the middle of the barn, is a square wooden frame. It has been handmade and stands on its own, and hanging from it, are two chains with cuffs attached at the top and two at the bottom. My eyes widen and my brows go up.

Tags: Bella Jewel Walker Hills Romance
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2024