War on Whimsy (Space Brigade 3) - Page 14

A family lying facedown on the ground, their hands over their heads, while their home burned behind them.

A young girl sobbing over the burned remains of her harp.

"No wonder my parents are trying to help!" said Shimlara passionately. She turned to the king and queen. "Why aren't you helping the Planet of Whimsy?"

"Oh, my dear, we have expressed our grave concern over Volcomania's actions," said the queen. "Every planet's government has written a strongly worded letter to Mrs. Mania. I composed our letter myself. It took me a whole hour. I was exhausted, as you can imagine. People don't appreciate how much work goes into being a royal."

"Why hasn't Globagaskar declared war on Volcomania?" asked Greta.

"Obviously, you wouldn't understand this as a commoner and an Earthling, but that's how galaxy wars begin," said Princess Petronella condescendingly. "This is all much more complicated than you realize!"

"Surely the United Aunts isn't happy about this!" said Shimlara.

"The United Aunts has been loudly condemning Volcomania's actions," said XYZ40. "They're extremely upset. In fact, they were about to hold a press conference an hour ago on the matter, but it was canceled at the last minute."

"Perhaps the United Aunts has been kidnapped, too," said Shimlara.

XYZ40 looked shocked. "Don't be ridiculous. Something must have come up! Or perhaps the aunts are sick. They are quite elderly."

"How could all of them be sick at the same time?" said Shimlara quietly.

"It does seem a little mysterious," admitted XYZ40. "But no planet would dare kidnap the aunts!"

"So basically you are doing nothing about this war," said Sean.

The king yawned. "I really do need my nap."

The queen caressed her face. "My skin is just crying out for that facial!"

Only Princess Petronella looked at all concerned.

"We're not doing nothing," she said. "I'm going to make a diplomatic visit to Mrs. Mania's son and try to speak some sense into him. Even though he's a horrible toad of a boy and it will be very boring."

"But what about Shimlara's family?" asked Nicola.

"The Gorgioskios are fine citizens," said XYZ40. "It's true they can be a little, well, annoying, at times with all their 'causes' but we obviously want to help them. We considered sending in our own rescue team, but all our best agents are busy at the moment with a rather tricky problem we're currently experiencing on the Planet of Me--"

She stopped and bit her lip.

"Anyway, the point is, we felt there was another option."

"That's where you come in," said Princess Petronella.

The Space Brigade had all turned to stare at her.

"We're going to smuggle you into Volcomania so you can go to Whimsy and rescue them!"


"What do you mean by 'smuggle?' " asked Sean. He's probably hoping there would be some repelling involved, thought Nicola.

"We're going to have to parachute you in," said XYZ40.

Oh great. Sean grinned. Katie sighed.

"Why?" said Nicola. She didn't think parachuting over live volcanos was the most sensible idea.

"The Volcomanians are being very careful about who they let onto the planet at the moment," said XYZ40. "You would be recognized by the Secret Service.The Space Brigade is starting to build quite an intergalactic reputation . . ."

Tags: Liane Moriarty Space Brigade Science Fiction
Source: readsnovelonline.net
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