War on Whimsy (Space Brigade 3) - Page 57


"This is where I kissed my wife for the first time," said Henry Sweet, dreamily. "Her lips tasted like strawberries. They were as soft as--"

"Too much information!" Sean clapped his hands over his ears.

Henry had led them to a giant tree a short walk away from the prison camp. The tree was beautiful, with low branches laden with strange flowers that smelled like honey. Its trunk's circumference was the size of a swimming pool. Henry had walked over to the trunk and found his initials and those of his wife carved deep into the bark. He had slid his hand straight down from the carving and suddenly the bark had given way to reveal a small opening, just large enough for them all to crawl through.

Nicola gasped with surprise when she saw the inside of the trunk. It was like being inside a secret cave. The light was dim and green. The ground was soft and springy. Tiny butterflies fluttered above their heads like falling blossoms.

"What a romantic place for your first kiss," sighed Katie.

"Is anyone else really hungry?" said Sean loudly.

Everyone sighed. They hadn't eaten anything since the sugary desserts the night before.

"I liked the sound of that breakfast the horrible Volcomanian guard was describing," said Tyler. "Bacon, eggs, sausages!"

Nicola's mouth watered.

"We don't have time to think about food," she said briskly. "We've got to work out a plan."

"I don't think I can concentrate without breakfast," said Sean.

"You're going to have to!" Nicola was feeling extremely irritable.

"I wonder if the Griddlemill Cafe still delivers," said Henry. "They used to do a lovely hot breakfast. My wife had a fondness for their buttermilk pancakes with maple syrup. You just whistle three times like a Melody Bird and they send a waitress to take your order."

"Why didn't you mention this earlier!" said Sean. "Start whistling!"

Henry went to the entrance of the tree, pushed aside the bark, pursed his lips, and whistled a melodious tune.

He came back inside the tree and sat down. "Of course, they might have closed down due to the war," he said.

Nicola quietly crossed her fingers. She saw Sean bite his lip and Katie close her eyes.

A minute passed. Nobody said a word.

"Looks like they might have closed down," said Henry regretfully.

Another minute passed.

"Okay, well, let's get to work," said Nicola, faint with disappointment and hunger. "So, we need--"

The bark twitched and a young girl with long chestnut braids and liquid brown eyes walked into their hideaway. She spoke in a fast, bored monotone. "Hi-my-name-is-Poppy. I'll-be-your-waitress-today-may-I-take-your-order?" She pulled a pencil out from behind her ear and a notepad from the pocket of her white apron and looked up at them expectantly.

"Are we pleased to see you!" said Sean.

"Sorry I took a while," said Poppy. "I was working on a new monologue."

"Monologue? Are you an actress?" asked Katie.

"Acting is my life, my passion, my destiny!" said Poppy dramatically. "I can do any voice with perfect pitch. Do you want me to show you?"


"Are we pleased to see you!" said Poppy in an absolutely perfect imitation of Sean.

Everyone laughed and applauded except for Sean, who said sourly, "Great. Well done. So, I'm thinking crispy sausages."

Tags: Liane Moriarty Space Brigade Science Fiction
Source: readsnovelonline.net
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