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Breaking the Speed Limit (Reynold's Restorations 2)

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Stefano hunched down beside us. “What a good boy you are, helping your mommy.”

Theo beamed at him, then launched himself into Stefano’s embrace. “I missed you, Stefo! When we played the tote game, I thought I wouldn’t see you anymore.” He screwed up his face. “I don’t like that game.”

Stefano glanced my way then shook his head. “You’ll never have to play it again. Promise. I’m not going anywhere, little man. Neither are you.”

He stood, taking Theo with him and holding out his hand to me. “Right, Mommy?”

I stood and smiled. “Right,” I whispered. “Not anymore.”

Stefano grinned. “Not anymore,” he repeated.

I was greeted enthusiastically by all the mechanics. I was hugged by Brett and Maxx. Charly waddled out of the office, hugging me so hard I thought she’d break me in two.

“You scared us,” she admonished. “No more burning buildings or making decisions based on fear, do you understand?”


“It’s okay, Charly. We’re all going to talk,” Maxx said, draping a big arm around her and pulling her close. He rubbed her swollen belly tenderly. “Don’t be getting all upset. My little one doesn’t like it.”

“I don’t want to upset anyone,” I protested. “That’s why I was going—”

Maxx cut me off, shaking his head. “That’s why you’re going to go with my wife to the house and wait for us. You understand me, Gabby?”

“I’m closing up the garage, and little bud and I are going to get a burger. I promised him if he helped me load up the deliveries today, I’d take him to my favorite place,” Chase said, coming over. He smiled at me reassuringly. “My favorite place is Mary’s house, and she’s got her homemade burgers and fries waiting for us.” He leaned down, giving Theo a high five. “I bet she makes her malted milkshakes for us too.”

Charly linked her arm with mine. “Everything is taken care of. You come with me. The boys will be along shortly.”

I had no other option but to let her lead me away. I glanced over my shoulder. My son was surrounded by men ready to protect him. I was being taken care of by people who considered me their friend. Part of their family. I looked again, meeting Stefano’s intense gaze.

I was loved by a man so determined to keep me safe, he’d rallied these people together to help him.

For the first time in a very long while, I felt the stirring of hope.

In the house, Charly sat down, rubbing her stomach. She blew out a long breath, the red hair hanging over her forehead lifting.

“That takes a lot of effort these days.” She grinned. “Walking. Who knew?”

“Where is Thomas?”

“With his auntie Kelly. They’ll be back any moment, I’m sure.”

At my quizzical look, she smiled. “My friend Kelly is a photographer’s assistant. She travels all over the world, but she was here for Thomas’s birth, and she came for this one. She visits when she can.” A frown passed over her face. “She travels too much, I think. I want her to find what I have—a place of her own. A family of her own.”

“Some of us want different things.” I heard a dry voice laced with patience behind me. I turned and met the eyes of a woman, carrying Thomas, who was obviously Kelly. She smiled at me, and I returned it.

She was extraordinarily pretty. Tiny like Charly, with short black hair that clung to her head like a helmet and gleamed in the sunlight. In contrast, her light blue eyes stood out in her face, framed by the inky hair. She was fit, the muscles in her arms tight as she held a sleeping Thomas.

“You must be Gabby. Hello.” Then she indicated the sleeping toddler. “Someone had too much fun and wore themselves out,” she stated wryly. “I’ll put him down. Coffee wouldn’t be amiss if there was any.”

I stood. “I’ll make a pot.”


She headed upstairs, and I filled the machine, switching it on. I got Charly a glass of water and filled a plate with cookies. She reached for one gratefully. “I’m starving.”

“I’ll make you a sandwich.”

She beamed in thanks. “I’m starving all the time, no matter how much I eat. This one is so different from Thomas.” She chuckled. “I have a feeling she is going to give us a run for our money. Maxx is already over the moon about having a girl, as well as fretting about it. It’s amusing to watch him some days.”

“I’ll show you amusing, woman,” Maxx rumbled as he walked in.

Charly grinned, not at all worried about him hearing her.

“Eating again, Red?” he asked with a dry chuckle. “My girl seems to need sustenance all the time.”

“She’s gonna be a fireball,” Charly groused, biting into the sandwich I’d slid in front of her.

“Like her mommy,” Maxx said. He crossed over, bending low to kiss her, his large hands resting on the swell beneath her loose shirt. He whispered something to her that made her smile and cup his cheek. The mutual adoration made me smile, and I looked up, meeting Stefano’s tender gaze. He walked over, pulling out the chair beside me, tugging mine close.

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