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Breaking the Speed Limit (Reynold's Restorations 2)

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“Okay, Tesoro?”

I nodded.

Brett walked in, grabbing the coffeepot and a handful of mugs, carrying them to the table.

“We’ll need one more,” Charly said. “Kelly will be down in a moment. She’s just putting Thomas down.”

A strange look passed over Brett’s face. “Kelly is here?”

Charly nodded, looking happy. “She arrived a short time ago, surprising me. She’s here until this one is finished baking and decides to show up.” She beamed at him. “I wasn’t even sure if she would make it.”

He returned her smile, stood, and grabbed another mug. “Great. You need the help.”

A moment later, Kelly appeared in the room. Stefano greeted her easily, offering her a hug. She teased him, then turned to Brett.

“Hey, Brett. You’re looking good.”

He eyed her, and I had to drop my gaze. The look that passed over his face before he schooled his expression had been one of pure lust, and her return gaze hadn’t hidden much either. But he smiled and handed her a mug of coffee. I wondered if I was the only one who caught the heated exchange between them and filed that question away to ask Stefano later.

She took the mug and indicated the porch. “I’ll give you some privacy.”

Maxx waved his hand. “I think, unless Gabby objects, you should sit in on this. You’ll be around for a while, so you should know what’s going on.”

I nodded in silence. Stefano slipped his arm around my shoulders, pulling me against him. He pressed a kiss to my forehead. “Relax, Tesoro,” he whispered. “Relax.”

I huffed out a sigh, and he tightened his arm.

“Gabby’s ex is after her,” he said simply. “She’s been running and hiding since Theo was a baby. He’s violent, abusive, and wants his hands on them.”

“Not happening.” Charly smacked the table, looking fierce.

“Nope,” he agreed. “Not with everyone on alert.”

I shook my head, feeling guilty.

“What?” Maxx asked, his tone gentle.

“I shouldn’t put you all at risk. Charly—”

He cut me off. “Gabby, you know me. Do you think if I thought for one second my family would be in danger, I would allow this?”

I bit my lip, trying not to get upset.

Maxx leaned forward. “Our plan is simple. He wants you? He needs to show his face. And once he does and sees the fortress around you, he’s going to give it up. He isn’t getting near you or Theo. There is nothing I hate more than a man who preys on a woman. Especially the mother of his child. If he’s a danger to you and your welfare, he’ll be stopped.”

“But he’ll know where I am.”

“Exactly. And he’ll know the entire community knows who he is. What he’s done. That we’re watching.”

I blinked.

Stefano picked up my hand and kissed it. “Brett is staying at your place and keeping an eye on the house. Mrs. Scott is going to stay at Mary’s house. You and Theo will stay with me at our place. You’ll drive to work with me. Neither of you will be alone. You’ll have someone with you all the time.”

“Theo can spend some time with me too,” Charly piped up. “I love him. He can keep me and Thomas company. You can keep the office running.” She smiled ruefully. “With the bar gone, you can give me more time.” She huffed a huge sigh of air. “I have a feeling our girl is going to show up soon. I’ll need all the hours you can give me.”

“I can help wherever needed,” Kelly assured me.

“Why?” I asked. “Why are you all being so amazing?”

“Because we care,” Maxx stated simply. “Stefano is part of my family. Therefore, so are you. You’re in trouble, and we’re going to help.”

“I have nothing to give you back.”

Maxx leaned forward, resting his massive arms on the table. “That’s not how this works, but yes, you do.”

“What?” I asked.

“You’re going to help my wife. I consider that more valuable than anything else. And I want your promise. That you’ll trust us. Stay.” He gripped Stefano’s shoulder. “He needs you the way I need Charly.” He met my eyes. “No more running.”

“No,” I whispered.

“I couldn’t figure out why he texted her and let her know he’d found her,” Stefano mused. “Then I realized he wanted her to run. To be alone where he could find her easily.”

“I don’t understand how.” Charly frowned.

“He has somehow grabbed on to her phone signal. He can trace where she is. I think he was banking on scaring her enough to leave. That’s why he hasn’t shown up yet. He’s waiting.”

“I had planned on leaving my cell phone behind,” I reminded him.

For a moment, Stefano’s expression was dark, then he shook his head. “He was counting on the fact that you wouldn’t do that.”

I barked out a laugh. “He always told me how stupid I was. He’d never think I’d be smart enough to figure out something like that.”

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