Following Maggie (Coming Home) - Page 7

“It’s fine, Maggie.”

“I got your shirt wet.”

“It’ll dry.”

She dug in her bag for some tissues, wiping her eyes and blowing her nose. She pushed her hand through her hair and sniffed, another tear running down her cheek. I caught it with my thumb, wiping it away. “It’s going to be okay.”

She nodded, the action moving my thumb so it brushed her mouth. Her damp, smooth, plump lips pursed and pouted slightly at my touch. The air around us suddenly changed, became static with heat. My grip on her face tightened as I felt the warmth of her breath drifting over my thumb. I moved my hand, my forefinger now tracing her bottom lip. “So soft, my angel. Your lips are so soft.”

Her eyes widened as I shifted nearer, slipping my hand around the back of her neck. I lowered my head a touch, thrilled when she lifted her chin, her face coming closer.



“I’m going to kiss you now.”

“Yes, please.”

I pulled her to me, covering her mouth with mine. Warm, supple lips melded to my harder ones. She curled her fingers into the back of my hair, holding me close. With a small groan, I reached out, yanking her onto my lap and deepening the kiss. My tongue met hers, sliding and twisting in long, sweeping passes—stealing her breath and making it mine. The airport around us faded away. All that existed was this sweet girl in my embrace. I folded my arms over her back, creating a cage, holding her tight. She made the faintest little sounds, tiny whimpers and gasps that ignited my passion. She stroked the back of my neck restlessly, returning my ardor in full. I hardened when she rolled her hips, grinding into her and groaning.

The sound of high-pitched giggles startled me, and I drew back, gasping for air. An unamused-looking woman shook her head at me as she grabbed the toddler she was chasing into her arms.

“Public place, young man,” she admonished.

Maggie’s head was buried in my chest, her voice muffled. “It was private until you showed up.”

I tried to hide the grin pulling at my lips, failing completely.

The woman’s husband took the child from her arms and tugged on her. “Let them alone, Mary. I remember when we took every chance we had to lock lips.” He winked at me as he escorted them away, and I couldn’t resist winking back. I watched them go up the escalator, then returned my attention to the girl I was holding. I dropped a kiss onto her head, nuzzling the fragrant hair.

“They’re gone.”

She looked up, embarrassed, but the sadness from earlier gone. “I guess it’s a good thing we were interrupted.”

“I guess so.” I hesitated and cleared my throat. “I don’t, ah, usually go around kissing random women in airports.”

“Where do you usually kiss them? The bus station?”

I laughed at her quick wit. “No, Miss Bossy. I don’t usually kiss women anywhere.”

She arched her eyebrow playfully. “You do it very well for not kissing us anywhere.”

I lowered my head, brushing her lips. “Oh yeah? You liked that, did you?”

“Sebastian,” she whispered.



I couldn’t stop myself. I wanted to feel her mouth on mine again. I jerked her hard against me and crashed my lips to hers. Instantly, the world disappeared once more, and all that was left was us. Her mouth, her warmth, and the blistering heat I could feel building. Moments passed as I kissed her, devouring the taste of her, somehow knowing I would never get enough.

The voice on the loudspeaker startled us both, and we pulled apart, shocked to see the lights were now on at full brightness. We listened to the drone of the bored voice informing us the runways were still shut down and no planes would be departing until further notice. I glanced at my watch, surprised to find it was almost six in the morning. Meeting Maggie’s eyes, I smiled at her while caressing her back. “Guess we’re stuck for another little while.”

She nodded and moved off my lap. Immediately, I missed her being close, and I caught her hand. “Where are you going?”

She stood and stretched. “I’ll be right back.”

She headed toward the restroom, and I leaned my head back, groaning.

What the hell was I doing? Making out with a total stranger in a deserted airport. Telling her my life story. Sharing things with her I’d never told another person.

I had to be crazy. At some point today, she’d get on her plane and I’d get on mine, and we’d never see each other again. We both had lives we had to find and live—both in different provinces and with different circumstances.

Yet, as I watched her come back, my first instinct was to hold out my hand, smiling as she took it. I pulled her down beside me. “You should get some rest.”

Tags: Melanie Moreland Romance
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2024