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Dragon in the Dark (Kindred Tales)

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“I…I’ll try to hold still,” she whispered.

His answer made her weak in the knees.

“Good girl,” he growled softly. “Just hold still while I suck your sweet nipple and make you feel all better.”

Oh my God, I’m seriously going to lose it!

The dominating voice in the dark, the stern way he ordered her and the praise when she complied was exactly what Iyanna had been looking for. And she didn’t even think the Drake Monstrum knew he was doing it.

And then he sucked her nipple into his mouth and began to swirl his long tongue around and around her tight bud and every thought flew completely out of her head.

Her nipples were so sensitive by now that she hadn’t been quite certain she could stand even his tongue on her tender flesh. But the feeling of him circling her aching breast was intensely pleasurable—and immediately addictive. His mouth was hot too—not just warm but hot and somehow his heat seemed to magnify her pleasure.

“Oh…oh, God!” she moaned involuntarily, throwing back her head as bolts of pleasure rushed through her.

In response to her movement, his big hand tightened briefly around her breast as though in warning, but he didn’t stop sucking or lapping her nipple. He continued with a single-minded purpose that made her moan and clench her hands into fists even harder. She wanted to reach for him—wanted to run her fingers through his hair, to feel connected to him—but she didn’t think it would be right. After all, he wasn’t trying to pleasure her—he was just removing the pleasure blooms’ secretions from her skin. And that was all—wasn’t it?

Iyanna was just beginning to wonder if she could come just from having her nipple sucked when he finally pulled away.

“All right,” he said sternly. “Now touch yourself.”

Uncertain why he was asking this but feeling helpless to disobey, Iyanna reached down and began to slip her hand under her skirt.

“No, I didn’t tell you to pet your pussy.” His deep voice held a hint of impatience. “I meant touch your nipple—make certain the extreme sensitivity is gone.”

“Oh, right.” Feeling her cheeks heat with a blush, Iyanna pulled her hand out of her skirt quickly. Hesitantly, expecting the worst, she brushed the tip of her right nipple with her fingertip.

Earlier her nipple had been so sensitive that even the soft silk of her blouse had seemed too much to bear. But now she found she was able to touch herself with no problem—it felt good but not so good she thought she might scream with painful pleasure.

“Well?” the voice from the darkness demanded.

“It…it’s better. You were right,” Iyanna admitted.

“Of course I am—told you I’m a physician, didn’t I?” he growled, but there was no real anger in his tone. “Should I do the other one? And do you think you can hold still this time?”

“I…I’ll try,” Iyanna whispered. “It’s just…it feels so good,” she admitted breathlessly.

“I know it does, little female.” The Drake Monstrum’s deep voice was unexpectedly gentle. “It’s part of the pleasure bloom’s chemical makeup—they were bred and developed to give pleasure in two ways—first when they apply their secretions and second when those same secretions are licked or sucked off by a willing male.”

“They…they were?” Iyanna asked. “I thought they were just for, er, masturbation.”

There was a soft movement in the air in front of her and she imagined him shaking his head.

“No—they were originally used to help a humanoid female become slippery enough to receive a male Monstrum’s shaft,” he lectured softly. “Their secretions work with the compounds in a male’s saliva and precum to help her to stretch and open. I understand the other Kindred have something like them—they call it ‘bonding fruit.’ But since we have no more females, they’ve been turned to other uses.” He sighed. “I suppose the lack of females on our ship may be one of the reasons the pleasure blooms have been dying out.”

“They have?” Iyanna asked. “But that’s terrible. The ones in my, er, fresher seem to be doing just fine,” she added.

“That’s probably because you let them fuck you,” he said dryly. “I doubt they were doing as well before that.”

“Still, though—they’re good now,” Iyanna pointed out, feeling her cheeks get hot again.

“That’s very nice for anyone visiting your fresher, but here on the Dark Side of the ship, the pleasure blooms are almost all dead. And we miss them fiercely,” the Drake Warrior told her.

Iyanna bit her lip.

“Is…is there anything I could do to help?” she asked hesitantly.

“Are you prepared to go all over the entire Monstrum Mother Ship and let every male pleasure pod aboard slide deep into your soft little pussy and fuck you, little girl?” he asked sternly.

His words sent a rush of embarrassed desire through her as she remembered how good it had felt to let the male pleasure pods penetrate her the night before.

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