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Dragon in the Dark (Kindred Tales)

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“I…I don’t…”

“Never mind. Even if you were willing, I don’t think you could bring them back. The whole species is dying out—it’s not just the lack of females. The pleasure blooms aren’t well adapted to this ‘verse,” he growled. “Anyway, I need to get on with removing the secretions from your left nipple. Are you ready?”

“I…I am,” Iyanna said.

“And are you going to hold still?” he demanded.

“Yes,” she whispered.

“Good girl,” he murmured again, once more turning her knees to jelly.

And then he was sucking her left nipple into his mouth, swirling that long, hot tongue around and around her aching bud and sending arcs of pleasure racing through her entire body but especially to her swollen pussy.

Iyanna bore it as well as she could but she couldn’t hold completely still. Somehow she found herself reaching for the big Monstrum, reaching for his head, wanting to run her fingers through his hair.

Instead she found something smooth and curving—two somethings in fact—because both her hands encountered one.

What in the world? Are these…horns?

She didn’t realize she’d spoken aloud until he pulled away from her nipple and said,

“Yes, those are my horns. Didn’t I tell you I’m a Drake Warrior? I have the characteristics of the mythical animal your people call a ‘dragon.’”

“A dragon?” Iyanna whispered. Her seeking fingertips were still exploring the horns. They seemed to be rooted on either side of his broad forehead and then they curved back. But not in a spiral, like a ram’s horns, she thought. These went straight back and then curved and ended in sharp points about a foot above his head.

“I’m surprised you haven’t pulled your hands away, little girl,” he rumbled. “Do you like my horns?”

“I don’t know,” Iyanna said honestly. “I was just…looking for something to hold on to. I guess I wanted to run my fingers through your hair. Er…do you have hair?”

He barked a laugh.

“Feel lower and find out.”

Feeling like a blind woman who has asked to feel someone’s face to get to know them, Iyanna slid her hands lower. After circling the base of his horns with her fingertips, (which unexpectedly made him shiver,) she at last found thick, soft hair that seemed to cover his head. It felt like maybe he had, if not exactly a buzz cut, then at least fairly short hair. Which was fine with her—she liked short hair on a man.

But he’s not a man—he’s a Monstrum, she reminded herself. And now you’re stroking him like he’s some kind of pet.

Reluctantly, she drew her hands away.

“What’s the matter, little girl—had enough?” he rumbled tauntingly.

“I just…didn’t know how you’d feel about me, er, touching you so much,” Iyanna informed him. “Though I liked what I felt,” she added truthfully.

“You wouldn’t if you could see me,” he growled softly. “But you never have to—never even have to talk to me again after we’re done here. How does your left nipple feel?”

Iyanna touched it gingerly and winced.

“Still kind of sensitive,” she admitted. “Er, do you think you should, um, suck it some more?”

“Do you want me to suck it some more, little girl?” he rumbled.

Iyanna lifted her chin. She refused to be shamed for asking for what she wanted—what she needed. She had played the shame game often enough with Ian—she wasn’t going there again.

“Yes,” she said simply. “Yes, I want you to suck my nipple.”

“Then I will,” he murmured. “And I don’t mind if you want to play with my horns while I do it—feels fucking good.”

Then he lowered his head and sucked her nipple into his hot mouth once more.

Iyanna moaned and reached for his horns. Not knowing how sensitive they were, she gripped them loosely at first as she thrust her breast forward. As she did, she felt his other big hand come up to cup her right breast and soon he was flicking her other nipple gently, making her gasp with pleasure.

“Oh…oh, God,” she cried, gripping the curling horns tighter. “Oh, that feels so damn good.”

At last he pulled away, panting slightly.

“Feels good to me too, little girl,” he growled in the darkness. “And now it’s time to taste your soft little pussy.”

“Wh-what?” Iyanna gasped. “I never…you never said—”

“How else am I going to get the pleasure blooms’ secretions out of your sweet honey well?” he growled. “I need to lay you on your back and lap your inner folds. Need to put my tongue deep inside your hot little pussy to get it all out of you. Now are you going to be a good girl and let me taste you?”

“I…I don’t…” Iyanna began but just then she heard a voice calling her name. Or something like her name, anyway.

“Eee-yaaa-neee! Missy Eee-yannie, where are you?”

“Oh my God, it’s Stor’kuum!” Iyanna gasped. Snatching her silk blouse closed, she began to do up her buttons with trembling fingers. “I don’t…he can’t know! What would he think of me?”

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