Exposed (MAC Security 2) - Page 45

“He’s so much better now,” Elena said, stroking his back and then pulling him down off me. He stood at my side and didn’t move. Even when we went out to the front to get all of his paperwork, he still didn’t move.

“Here you go, hon.” I took the paperwork and riffled in my bag for my purse to pay her.

“Don’t worry about it.” She waved her hand in the air. “I got it.”


“Nope,” she said, shaking her head. “Come for dinner at the house on Friday, and we’ll call it square.”


“Yeah… You, Ty and Eli.” She walked back around the counter, stroking Monty once more and reaching out for a hug again. This time I was prepared and hugged her back, all the while, Monty stayed pressed against my leg. “Trevor is dying to meet you.”

“Trevor?” I asked with a furrowed brow.

“Ty’s dad.” She smiled. “He’ll just love you,” she said, the wistful smile widening on her face. It was clear that she loved him, just from the way she said his name and talked about him.

I wondered if I looked like that when I talked about Ty.

“Friday,” she said, bringing herself out of her haze. “Eight.” She walked away, turning at the last minute and shouted, “Bring pie!”

Looking down at Monty, I smiled and said. “Looks like we’ve got dinner plans.”

He barked in response and rested his paw on my leg.

“Come on.” I nodded to the door. “Let’s get you home.”

Monty jumped down off the seat as soon as I opened the door, his head turning all around him as he checked out his new home. I expected him to go running off to sniff the place out but he didn’t, he stayed by my side the whole way to the warehouse door. When I pulled the door open, he still didn’t move much, just enough for me to open the door.

None of the guys were back yet so there was only Evan sat at his computer desk. He turned his head, a smile on his face when he saw me, that soon disappeared when his eyes landed on Monty.

“Holy crapballs!” He wheeled back in his chair as if he was about to be attacked. Even though Monty still hadn’t moved from my side.

“Evan…” I laughed. “He won’t hurt you.” I took a step closer to him but he halted me, throwing his hand up in the air.

“Don’t come any closer,” he screeched. Actually screeched.

“Evan?” I frowned. “Are you really scared of him?”

I looked down to Monty, a confused look on my face. He tilted his head at me as if to say, ‘I won’t hurt him’.

“Can you not see how big he is? And look at those teeth!”


“No, Kay. Seriously, don’t come any closer.” Looking back at him, I squinted my eyes, taking in his pale face. He was actually scared.

I’d never seen him scared of anything and it was a lot to wrap my head around. They were all fearless, so when I was faced with one of them scared, it was an eye opening experience.

“I’ll just sit over here then,” I said in a calm voice. Hoping that would ease him slightly. I was pretty confident that Monty wouldn’t go over to him and that he would stay at my side.

I went over to the meeting table and pulled my usual chair out to sit down, Monty sitting next to me like a sentinel.

I reached over and stroked him on the head, his fur so much softer than when I had picked him up off the side of the road. He wiggled closer, resting his head on my leg and closing his eyes.

I was fascinated by him. He brought me the same sensation of peace as the woods did.

His head shot up all of a sudden, his body shielding me, poised and ready for an attack. It became clear why, when the metal door opened and they all walked in. Kitty was first, behind her Luke and then Ty last.

Tags: Abigail Davies MAC Security Romance
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2024