Flying Free (MAC Security 2.50) - Page 43

Dammit, why can’t I stop thinking about that stubble?

“Jackson said you woke up.” He shrugs, as if that explains why he’s here. “He’s just left.”

“Oh.” My hand grips onto my towel and holds on tight and it’s then that I realize I’m standing here practically naked. “I need to erm...” I look back at him, expecting to see him looking down but he isn’t, he’s staring straight ahead; not even looking at me.

“Yeah, err... get ready and I’ll take you to get something to eat.”

“Right.” I clear my throat and walk past him, then lean against my bedroom door after I’ve closed it. My stomach flutters with the idea of him taking me out for something to eat and even though my brain is telling me that it’s not a date, in any way shape or form, my heart won’t listen.

I take stock of my room as my stomach moans with hunger and decide to clean it later, instead, I go in search of something to wear. Grabbing a pair of leggings and a long jumper, I throw them on and pull a brush through my hair while trying to not think too much into things.

“Ready,” I announce when I walk into the living room. I watch as he lifts up from the couch and rakes his eyes over me, my skin heating wherever he looks; it almost feels like he’s touching me.

He nods, not saying a word and follows me out of the apartment.

“So...” I say, when we’re walking to the diner. “What are you doing here?”

He moves his eyes to mine, and looks away. “The bar?”

I furrow my brows and ask, “The one Jackson works at?”

“Yeah,” he says, walking a little faster. “I own it.”

“You own a bar?” I raise a brow, looking over at him as scrunches his face up.

“Yeah.” Raking his hands down his face, he turns to me. “I didn’t know this is where you went to college, I would have said something sooner.”

I frown at him, not understanding how he couldn’t know. The whole family knew everything that was going on in each other’s lives. How did they not tell him that I went here?

“They didn’t tell you where-”

“None of them know,” he cuts me off and waits at the edge of the crossing. “Only J knew.”

“J? Jamie?” I jog to keep up with him as he crosses the road. “Is she your...” I close my mouth before I say anything else.

It’s none of my business if they’re together. It’s not like I stand a chance anyway, he still sees me as the girl who needed saving but I’m far from that now.

“J?” He chuckles. “God no, I worked with her husband.”

“Oh,” I say, walking through the diner door as he holds it open for me. “I didn’t know she was married.”

We find a table and sit down as Corey pulls out a menu from behind a salt and pepper pot. I don’t bother because I know exactly what I’m having, the same that I have every time I come here. I can already smell the fresh coffee and I’m on the edge of my seat, waiting for someone to come over and pour me a cup.

“Was being the operative word,” he says, lifting his eyes up to mine. “He died while we were deployed.”

I swallow at the intense look in his eyes. His whole body language changes at that statement and I feel awkward sitting here.

Why did I have to go and open up my big mouth? I have to bring the conversation back around.

“Well... I like your bar,” I blurt out.

Out of all the things I could have said, that’s the lameness that comes out of my mouth?

“Yeah?” He chuckles and flags a waitress down. “You been going there often?”

“Well, only the last few weeks. I don’t drink or anything-”

“Good,” he interrupts me, looking up to the waitress as she pulls a pad out and smiles at us. “Coffee and a stack of blueberry pancakes.”

Tags: Abigail Davies MAC Security Romance
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2024