Just One Dare (The Kingston Family 5) - Page 63

Asher raised an eyebrow, waiting.

Although a part of him still hesitated about revealing Aurora’s private pain, the only way his family would understand her was if they knew. So he spent the next few minutes telling Asher about her past, and explaining the way it was impacting her ability to open up to him now.

“Jesus.” Asher rubbed his hands together and shook his head. “Her own parents left her in foster care?” He shook his head, his jaw set in anger on her behalf. “No wonder she’s got trust issues.”

Nick nodded.

Aurora’s history beat the story of their mother walking out and never coming back, Nick thought. Not that it was a contest. And the Dares had had their father, Serenity, and each other. Nick knew they’d been lucky.

But Asher had been older, and he remembered their mom…and the neglect. He didn’t like to talk about his childhood and Nick respected that.

“You have your hands full right now. I can have my assistant get a list of potential candidates for you to interview.”

Nick nodded. “That’ll help. Thanks.”

“We’re family. Whatever you need, I’m here,” Asher said. “I just want to make sure you’re making this big move because you want it, not because Aurora asked you to.”

“Actually, she’s never asked. She’s admitted that my leaving hits her abandonment issues.” He clasped his hands together and leaned forward. “I was sitting on the private jet I’d rented at a moment’s notice and realized something. Our wealth? We take it for granted. But it enables us to make choices other people can’t.”


“Like I don’t need to travel for business. I chose to. Just like I chose not to have a home base, an apartment or a house. Hell, you have homes. Plural.” Nick couldn’t help but smirk. His brother owned his own fucking island.

Asher rose from his seat. “You’ve grown up a lot in a short time. Gotta say bro, I’m proud of you.”

“Thanks.” Nick stood.

“I need to get going.” Asher tipped his head towards the entrance. “Tell Aurora I’m sorry I missed her, but that I’d like to get together with you both soon.” He started for the door and paused. “Fatherhood looks good on you.”

Nick chuckled. “You wait until it’s your turn. Fatherhood changes you. Love changes you.”

Asher shook his head but said nothing.

Nick pulled his brother into a one-armed hug. “Thanks.”


He let his sibling out and shut the door behind him, then turned…and found Aurora standing at the end of the hall. She’d obviously just woken up and stood watching him.

She’d showered and her hair was damp, falling in waves around her face. She wore the same pair of sweats he’d seen her in that first morning, rolled down and revealing a strip of smooth skin, and a cropped loose short-sleeve top. Her feet were bare, with hot pink toenails.

He loved everything about her.

“How are you feeling?” he asked.

“Better. I needed to sleep. Thank you.” She rubbed her hands together and met his gaze. “Can we talk?”

No good conversation ever began with those words, Nick thought and nodded.

Aurora stepped towards Nick and slipped her hand into his, giving him hope that this wouldn’t be the doomsday talk he expected.

He followed her into the family room and when he reached the couch, she placed her hands on his shoulders.

“Sit. Please,” she said.

He dropped to the cushion and settled in, surprised when she climbed into his lap and made herself comfortable. “What are you doing?”

“Settling in so we can talk.” She appeared serious, without any lightheartedness in her expression…but she was sitting in his lap.

Her lips pursed in the lush pout he liked. A lot. He wanted to kiss those lips but he knew talking was more important. Because he’d figured out that she wasn’t going to drop bad news on him. So he could relax while they worked things out.

“You’re smiling?” She tipped her head to one side, her confusion evident. “Why?”

“Because if you were going to end things between us, you wouldn’t be sitting like this.” He gestured to their intimate position.

She nodded. “You always were smart,” she said, leaning down and kissing him. “No,” she said, raising her head. “I’m not ending us. But I need to say a few things and you can decide where we go from here.”

“I’m listening.”

“I love you, Nick. I’ve always loved you.” Her soft gaze searched his face.

At her admission, his heart picked up speed. “Well, that’s great news. Because you already know I love you, too.” He tipped his head and she kissed him harder, her mouth warm and willing and she shifted in his lap. A long moan escaped him as her sex came in contact with his now rock-hard erection. He wasn’t too comfortable himself but she raised her head.

“We still need to talk.”

Nodding, he held himself in check. This was her show and he’d let her lead. “I’m here.”

Tags: Carly Phillips The Kingston Family Billionaire Romance
Source: readsnovelonline.net
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