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Embrace the Light (Godstone Saga 5)

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A low groan rumbled up Eno’s chest and the blood rushed from Rayne’s brain to his groin. Their tongues dueled for supremacy, but Rayne was putting up only a token fight. He wanted to submit to Eno’s strength and hungry desires. For just a little while, he wanted to hand himself over and let Eno possess him completely.

Eno pressed closer, placing his knee on the mattress between Rayne’s legs. Paper crinkled under him and he immediately retreated. Not only was he the sweetest of lovers, but he was also very respectful of Rayne’s work.

But right now, Rayne didn’t want respectful. He didn’t want to worry about his work or the crown or even the world ending. He wanted Eno and that was it.

As Eno moved backward, Rayne swiped both hands across the comforter, shoving all the myriad of papers and maps to the floor. Eno stood staring at the mess, his lips parted in shock. Grinning broadly, Rayne wrapped his hands in Eno’s black T-shirt and pulled the man on top of him.

Bedsprings squealed and groaned at the sudden addition of Eno’s mass, causing them both to cringe. The entire house had to have heard that horrendous noise. They both lifted their gazes to each other and giggled.

“Fuck, that was loud,” Eno swore in a low voice.

“Just a bit,” Rayne muttered and then pushed it out of his mind. Eno was half lying on top of him, the feeling of his muscular body and amazing heat teasing him. He needed more. He needed Eno closer.

Tightening his hand in Eno’s shirt, Rayne rolled onto his back, pulling Eno the rest of the way onto him. The bed squeaked and complained. While not as loud, it was still a startling sound that halted them a second time.

Eno braced a hand next to Rayne’s head, his lips pursed in such a way that Rayne was sure the man was trying hard not to laugh. “I don’t remember this bed being so loud last night.”

“That’s because when you came to bed last night, you just fell into it like a beached whale and didn’t move again until morning,” Rayne grumbled.

“Feeling neglected?”

“Never, but I’m smart enough to know we must take advantage of the rare opportunities we have.”

“That’s my brilliant man,” Eno purred. He started to lean down, his weight shifting as his lips drew closer to Rayne’s.

And a bedspring released a high-pitched moan like a banshee.

Eno stopped, his lips mere inches away from Rayne’s, and began snickering. “Rayne—”

“Do not say we can’t!” Rayne hissed. He locked every muscle in his entire body, fighting to keep from moving and making more noise.

“I didn’t say that. My only worry is that we’re going to disturb the entire house.” One corner of Eno’s mouth tilted up in a wicked grin. “I can keep your mouth busy enough to not bother anyone else, but this bed is another matter. I want deep inside of you, Rayne, and that’s not a quiet thing.”

Rayne clenched his teeth to hold in a whimper of need as it shot through his bloodstream. “Floor. Floor. We’ll move to the floor,” he suggested. He pushed at Eno, moving the larger man a few inches off him, ignoring the sounds the stupid bed was making.

“I’m not fucking you on the floor,” Eno grumbled.

“Why not? You’ve fucked me in a bed, tent, a shower, and even the couch in my apartment.”

Eno grinned. “I’m happy to see you covered in rug burn, but I’m worried about either one of us getting up off the floor afterward. These last few months have been hard on us both, and we’re not as young as we used to be.”

“Screw you! Thirty-one is not old!”

That had Eno flopping onto his back, laughter pouring from his lips. “I wasn’t saying that!” he choked out between thick guffaws. “You’re killing me.”

Growling to himself, Rayne rolled out of the bed. This wasn’t fucking happening. It was the first time that he and Eno couldn’t quite get in sync. The bed wasn’t helping matters, but he had a feeling that his lover had his mind elsewhere, which was fine, if a little physically frustrating. Rayne should have been thinking about other things as well. Sex could wait for another time.

Even with the squeal of the springs for warning, Rayne was still surprised by Eno. Strong hands grabbed his arms and turned him around. Before he could even blink, his face and chest were pressed to the wall. A second later, Eno stepped up behind him, his strong body lining up perfectly so that he could feel every hard inch of him.

“You didn’t let me finish,” Eno whispered. His hot breath brushed across his ear and the tip of his tongue stroked along Rayne’s earlobe, sending a shiver through his entire body. “I have something even more fun in mind than the floor.”

Oh, fuck yes. Whatever Eno had in mind, Rayne was willing and ready.

Hands moved to Rayne’s waist and plucked at his shirt, pulling it out of where it was tucked into his pants. Once it was free, hot, rough palms slid up across his bare chest, sending the most delicious frisson of awareness through his body. Nimble fingers pinched his nipples, wringing free a gasp.

Rayne kept one hand pressed to the wall for balance and reached back with the other to grip Eno’s hip, pulling him in tighter. Eno thrust against his ass so that he could feel his hard-on digging into his cheeks. But it wasn’t enough. There were still too many clothes separating them, and Rayne needed Eno inside of him.

Teeth bit on the side of Rayne’s neck and he let out a whine high-pitched enough to provide admirable competition for the bed.

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