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Embrace the Light (Godstone Saga 5)

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“What do you need, baby?”

Rayne released Eno’s hip to snag one of his hands. He dragged it down to cup his own hard dick straining the front of his jeans. “Fuck me. Fuck me hard.”

Eno’s large hand clamped on him and stroked him roughly through his pants. Pleasure streaked so sharply through his body, Rayne swore he saw stars. He wasn’t going to last. Sweat had broken out across his skin and his dick was throbbing in time with his racing heart. He needed to come now, but he wanted to feel Eno stretching him, filling his body first.

“Eno,” he moaned. He turned his head to press his cheek against the paint of the wall. If he could just cool his body a little bit, he might regain some modicum of control.

“Then we need to get you ready. Give me your glasses,” Eno replied. The man’s controlled, no-nonsense tone stomped on so many of Rayne’s buttons. There was something in his brain that snapped off the second Eno got bossy in the bedroom with him.

With trembling fingers, Rayne plucked his glasses off his face and held them out for Eno. The moment they were in his hands, Eno stepped away and Rayne cried out. He didn’t want to lose this feeling of being crushed into the wall.

“Get undressed. I’ll get the lube,” Eno commanded.

Rayne stood frozen, watching as Eno turned toward their bags. As if suddenly fearful that sex wouldn’t happen unless he followed Eno’s orders to the letter, Rayne ripped his shirt off over his head. He shucked his pants and underwear at the same time. He wobbled a bit when he shifted from one foot to the other, peeling away socks.

When Eno turned back to him with the bottle of lube in hand, Rayne was leaning with his shoulders on the wall, his breathing fast and fractured. His hard dick jutted out in front of him as if it were reaching for Eno. He could only imagine what kind of debauched picture he made as the grin on Eno’s lips widened.

The second Eno was within reach, Rayne grabbed at Eno’s shirt and jerked it up over his head. Eno crashed into him. The combination of their hot skin meeting while the cold wall pressed into Rayne’s spine left him hissing. Every sense was on overload. There wasn’t a coherent thought in his head. It was all blind need and hunger.

Eno twisted his fingers in his hair and captured his mouth in a violent kiss. Their teeth clacked against each other, but Rayne still couldn’t get close enough, taste enough of this mouth. He wanted to devour him, body and soul.

With a sudden snarl, Eno jerked away enough so he could flip Rayne around to face the wall. There was a plastic snap of the cap and Rayne shuddered. At last.

A slick finger rubbed across his hole once before pressing inside. There was a brief burn, and then pleasure rippled through him.

“Don’t tease me. More,” Rayne demanded through clenched teeth.

“Shhh,” Eno murmured, placing kisses along one shoulder. “No matter how you beg me, I will always be careful with you. I will never hurt my sweet Rayne.”

After just a couple of strokes, Eno added a second finger, stretching him. Rayne shifted his stance, trying to take him deeper, but Eno grabbed his hip, holding him still as he continued to slowly work him. No matter what Rayne said or did, his lover remained in complete control.

“Please, Eno. Please…I can’t…” He reached down and closed his fingers around his own leaking dick. He felt so close already.

“I’ve got you,” Eno said gruffly, his voice growing thick with desire. Eno’s fingers left him, and Rayne whimpered. Behind him was the telltale jingle of Eno’s belt buckle and his zipper being opened. Oh gods, Eno was still half-dressed. Why did that suddenly make everything hotter? Rayne was so far from rational thought, nothing mattered anymore.

The lube bottle opened again and then he could finally feel the blunt head of Eno’s cock pressing at his entrance. Rayne moaned, not caring who could hear him in the house, as Eno entered him. He moved so damn slow, allowing Rayne to revel in the feel of every inch of him. When he filled Rayne to the very hilt, Eno held Rayne and pressed his face to his neck.

“I love you,” Eno whispered. “Love you so damn much.”

Rayne squeezed his eyes shut against the sudden burn of tears and swallowed hard. “I’m nothing without you.”

Eno chuckled and slowly pulled back. “You’re my everything,” he replied and thrust hard inside of Rayne.

A howl of pleasure and pain rose in Rayne, and he barely managed to bite down on his arm to muffle the sound as Eno hammered inside of him. His world was burning to just sharp sensations that were combining into a building feeling of ecstasy. Hot sweaty skin, cool wall, Eno’s groans of pleasure in his ear, and the delicious stretch of their bodies moving together. It was too much.

Rayne gave in to the building orgasm, shuttling his hand along his cock. His body tightened around Eno, and lightning struck. His cries were mostly muffled on his arm, but there was nothing to quiet the slap of their skin as Eno pounded into him a few more times before crying out as well.

Arms tightened on him, making it nearly impossible to drag in a breath. Eno held him like he wanted to pull him into his body, and Rayne would have willingly gone. He’d be only too happy to get lost in this man.

“Fuck,” Eno groaned. He pressed his forehead to Rayne’s shoulder while his pants gusted hot breaths across Rayne’s sweat-slicked skin. “I don’t think my legs can hold me.”

“Mine either,” Rayne agreed.

All too quickly, Eno pulled free of his body. He hated to lose that connection, but his lover was already ushering him onto the squeaking bed. Eno grabbed one of their T-shirts from the floor and wiped away the cum that coated Rayne’s hand and was leaking from his body.

When he was at least passably clean, Eno stretched out in the bed next to him and pulled him in close. Rayne rested his head on Eno’s chest and closed his eyes. His lover’s heart raced under his ear, putting a smile on his lips.

“Better than the floor?” Eno teased.

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