Take Me Home (The Heartbreak Brothers 1) - Page 33

“All the Heartbreak Brothers in one place,” Becca said, laughing when they groaned at their old nickname. “Who would have thought?”

“How’s work?” Gray asked Cam. Of all his brothers, Cam was the one who knew how hard fame could be to deal with. When he was in Boston, it was almost impossible for him to go anywhere without being recognized.

“I’m keeping busy.” Cameron ran his hand over his cropped hair. “About to begin offseason training. And how about you? I hear you’ve been working on the old homestead?”

“Who’d have thought Gray Hartson would be into plumbing,” Logan said, slapping Gray on the back. “I hope you’re recording it all for posterity.”

Tanner brought their drinks over, and they all raised their glasses in a toast. A warmth washed through Gray, the kind of warm that only family gives you. It was like the other side of the coin to his relationship with his father. Strange that without the old man none of them would exist.

“Twenty minutes until Karaoke,” Sam called out from behind the bar. More of Tanner’s friends spilled in, along with some younger women he didn’t recognize, who headed straight for Becca.

He scanned every face that came in, but none of them were Maddie.

“You guys are going to sing, right?” one of Becca’s friends asked Logan and Cameron.

“Of course.” Logan grinned. “We can’t let Gray steal all the limelight.”

“I’m not singing,” Gray told them.

“Ah, yeah you are.”

“How about you, Tanner?” Cam asked.

“Yep. I’ve already put my song request in.” He grinned. “And since it’s my party, I get to go first.”

Becca glanced at her watch. “Maybe I should call Maddie. It’s not like her to be late.”

The air inside the bar was getting warm, the noise levels rising as Tanner’s friends and family laughed and talked with each other. Gray glanced at the door as it opened, and Maddie walked in. She stood in the doorway for a moment, looking around until she spotted Becca and smiled.

God, she looked good in her tight jeans and white strappy top, her dark hair cascading down her back. He took another mouthful of beer and pulled his eyes away, not wanting anybody to notice him looking.

“Who’s that?” Logan asked Becca, his eyes wide.

“Maddie Clark.”

“No way.” His brother looked at Gray. “You hear that? That’s Maddie Clark. Jesus, she’s changed.”

“Ashleigh’s sister?” Cam asked, turning to watch her walk across the bar. “They sure know how to make gorgeous girls in that family.”

“Hey, you seen Ashleigh since you’ve been back?” Logan asked him.


“Probably for the best.” Cameron laughed. “She hated your guts after you left.”

Gray swallowed hard, and looked over at Maddie again. Couldn’t help himself. Her eyes met his and it felt like a punch in the gut. A pleasurable, yet painful punch. Then Logan stepped between them and cut off the connection. Gray took a deep, calming breath.

What was it with her? Every time they were together he felt a visceral connection. It was crazy and stupid, and so damn good.

He took another mouthful of beer and glanced at his watch. It was almost nine o’clock.

“Okay, Tanner,” Sam called out, walking from behind the bar. “It’s Karaoke time and you’re first up.” He led Gray’s younger brother to the makeshift stage in the corner, handing him the microphone and pointing at the screen. “Ladies and gentlemen,” he called out. “Welcome to the Moonlight Bar Karaoke Competition. First contestant is our very own Tanner Hartson. And tonight he’ll be singing Along the River, a song made famous by his brother, Gray Hartson.”

* * *

Maddie bit down a grin at the way Gray’s mouth dropped when Sam called out Tanner’s choice of song. His brows pulled together and she had the biggest urge to reach out and trace the furrows that formed at the top of his strong, straight nose.

“You chose my song?” Gray asked, perplexed.

Tags: Carrie Elks The Heartbreak Brothers Romance
Source: readsnovelonline.net
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