Liars (The Triad 2) - Page 40

“Sebastian,” I said, pushing him away. I tried to find the right words. Did I love him? Was that what I felt for him? When I was taken away from them, I missed them like I loved them. I missed them like I’d lost a fucking limb.

“You don’t have to say anything, pet,” he told me before giving me another peck on the lips. “But after I lost you once, I’m not going to censor myself just because the truth may make you a bit uncomfortable. In this business, we can’t afford to tiptoe anymore. I love you. You deserve to know.”

“Sebastian,” I said again, trying to find a way to tell him that I did think I loved him. I just had never told anyone that before, and I didn’t have the confidence to just throw it out there like he did. I knew he was right. He did deserve to know how I felt about him, but my brain wouldn’t think thoughts in my post-sex haze.

“Scarlet,” he said with a smile that lit up his entire face. “Stop trying to think so hard. Let’s get you cleaned up. Elliot’s right—we have company,” he said as he stood and picked me up, a ridiculous amount of fluids leaking out from between my thighs. I groaned and squeezed my thighs together, trying to keep myself from making an even bigger mess than we had already created.

“Sex is messy,” I said, trying to change the subject.

Seb laughed and looked down on the floor at the puddle I left from where I’d been kneeling and then to the bed, where there was a huge wet spot from my squirting. He looked back to me in his arms and then carried me to the shower.

“That’s the mark of a job well done, Scar,” he said as he put me on my feet and started the shower. “And it just means I get to clean you up.” He turned around and winked one of those dark eyes at me.

He was so handsome, my little murderer. His body was cut from fucking marble, and those tattoos made my pussy clench. The way he had wrapped those strong hands around my throat while he fucked my ass was enough to fuel my wank bank for a year.

And he had fought for me when I was gone. He had killed…a lot of people to get me back. He treated me like a precious treasure, always making sure I was taken care of, my hair washed, and I was fed my favorite foods. He kept me laughing and gave me all the orgasms I could ask for.

He had stood up to Elliot for me when he suspected I was working for my family. He had my back constantly.

I looked up at him and smiled, walking into his arms. His brown eyes shone with happiness as he looked down at me. He wagged his eyebrows as his arms rested on my shoulders.

“Yeah, yeah,” I said with an awkward smile. “I love you too, asshole.”

Tags: Dana Isaly The Triad Erotic
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2025