Time Exposure (Click Duet 2) - Page 55

“Why didn’t you tell me you thought you were pregnant? I hate that you were wondering alone.”

I didn’t have a logical explanation as to why I hadn’t told him yet. Guess I just wanted to give it another day or two before I took a test. Plus, we were going on our trip.

“Sorry I didn’t let you know I suspected it. I’ll blame it on foggy, pregnancy brain. You’re not upset, are you?”

Gavin shakes his head. “No, baby, I’m not upset. The opposite actually. I just wish I could’ve waited for the positive result next to you. I know it’s way too early to know, but I hope Clara gets a little brother.”

I roll my eyes and he laughs. “I’m sure Clara will love him or her, no matter what gender they are. You sure you’re okay, daddy?” Heat pierces Gavin’s eyes and I swallow. The same heat that pops up every time I call him daddy… in my seductress voice.

“You don’t need to worry about daddy, baby,” he growls across the table. “But let’s take the rest of the trip easy. Had I known before today, I wouldn’t have taken us on a five-mile hike in the mountains.”

“I’m not that fragile, Gavin. Besides, I need to maintain my girlish figure for as long as possible. Soon enough, I’ll look like a whale.”

Gavin shakes his head. “No, baby. You’ll be the most beautiful woman in the world, still. There is nothing sexier than the love of my life carrying my unborn child inside her belly. If anything, you get sexier with each stretch mark.”

Heat rises to my cheeks. “Gavin…” I whisper.

Dinner goes by much quicker after the we’re pregnant conversation. Chinese food in San Francisco is phenomenal. Anytime we eat Asian in Florida now, I will undoubtedly whine and complain. Plus, I think pregnancy makes it taste even better.

We arrive back at the bed-and-breakfast and head to our room. Three breaths after the door closes, Gavin and I frantically rip each other’s clothes off. In the last five years, a few things have changed in our relationship.

The addition of Clara.

Our need to kiss and grope and be completely consumed by each other.

How much we love each other.

The last two have multiplied to levels I never knew existed. With each passing day, I don’t think I can possibly desire or love Gavin more than I already do. But each day I wake up next to him, his warm skin and beachy-pine wrapped around me, I learn a new truth.

Our love is boundless.

Gavin yanks my shirt over my head and tosses it to the floor before bruising my lips with his. The rest of our clothes hit the floor seconds before we land on the mattress. Everything about us—our life, our love—grows hotter with each passing day. As Gavin kisses down my body, he stops and hovers above my abdomen a moment.

“Hey, little man. Yeah, Daddy is predicting you’ll be a boy. Don’t let me down, okay? Us guys got to stick together.” I laugh and Gavin continues. “Anyway, I can’t wait to meet you. And for you to meet me and Mommy and Clara, your big sister.” Gavin presses his lips to my belly and kisses me tenderly.

Gavin Hunt. My best friend. My lover. The best husband. And an even better father.

“I love you, Gavin,” I whisper.

He crawls up my body and kisses me reverently. “I love you, too, baby. Forever.”


Tags: Persephone Autumn Click Duet Romance
Source: readsnovelonline.net
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