Owned by a Sinner (Sinners 2) - Page 14

I’m hit with a shitload of intensity, and without a word, Liam pushes me to the side. He slams the button to call the elevator back.

I’m so rattled I don’t stick around to be scolded and forget to apologize. Darting down the hallway like a fearful deer, I don’t have time to steel myself before knocking and letting myself into Finn’s office.

Just get it over with.

I keep repeating the words to myself as I focus my sight on Finn. He’s leaning casually back against his desk, his arms crossed over his chest. There’s a triumphant sneer on his face, making me think he’s going to fire me.

Crap. There goes my new apartment.

The fear multiplying by the second robs me of the ability to think of a way to start the conversation.

Nodding at his laptop, he says, “Come take a seat.”


Does he want me to capture data again?

Cautiously, I keep my eyes on him as I walk to the chair and sit down. The second Finn moves around the desk and comes to stand behind me, every muscle in my body locks up. My mouth grows dry, and panic flares to life in my chest.

Shit. Not again. I should’ve stayed by the door.

Finn leans over me and presses a button on the laptop. The screen lights up, and instead of it showing a spreadsheet, a video starts to play.

It takes a solid ten seconds before fear bleeds through my veins. My heart stutters to a stop. My breaths falter over my lips.

Oh. My. God.

I watch the footage of Mom fast asleep in her bed, her lips slightly parted as soft snores slip over them. Someone’s standing over her, then I see a gloved hand holding a gun.

Oh, God. No!

My eyes grow wide as pins and needles painfully rush over my skin.

Finn leans down until I feel his breath on my ear. “Your mother sleeps like the dead. I could’ve killed her easily.”


The shock starts to shudder through me like earthquakes, ripping gaping holes right through my entire life.

God, no.

The footage stops, then Finn asks, “Do you need to watch it again?”

In a stunned daze, I shake my head.

The chair is turned, so I’m facing Finn. Lifting a hand, he brushes his fingers over my cheek, making my skin crawl, then he takes hold of my chin. “This is how things are going to be from here on out.”

With horror-filled eyes, I meet his triumphant gaze.

“You’re going to be at my beck and call. You’ll do everything I tell you to, and you’ll fucking love it, or I kill your mother.”

His words hit hard, like nails being slammed into the coffin he’s about to bury me in.

“Nod to show you understand,” he demands.

Somehow my head bobs up and down.

“If you go to the police, I’ll know. Your every move will be watched, so don’t try to get help. Just do as you’re told, and your mother will continue to live her shitty life.”


My mind finally catches up to the enormous shock it’s been dealt, and I manage to ask, “Why are you doing this?”

The corner of Finn’s mouth lifts with arrogance. “Because no one says no to me. I warned you, you were making a mistake, and now you’ve forced me to take extreme steps.”

He makes it sound like it’s my fault. He’s… insane.

The realization sends a fresh wave of panic burning through my veins.

God only knows how I manage to ask, “What do you expect from me?”

His lips curve more as he leans closer. “Everything, Kiara.”

The words sound sinister, filling me with dread.

His thumb brushes over my bottom lip, then his eyes lower to my mouth. “I’ll do whatever I want, and you will fucking love every second of it. It’s as simple as that.”


It’s a freaking nightmare!

I start to shake my head, but it only earns me a dark chuckle. Finn shrugs, “Or disobey, and your mother dies.” He lets out another chuckle. “The choice is yours.”

What choice? Either I let him do what he wants with me, or my mother dies.

This is insane. Absolute madness.

Finn slowly closes the distance between our faces, his eyes remaining locked with mine. I sit like a frozen pillar, and the instant his mouth presses against mine, unbearable revulsion fills every inch of my being.

Disgusted, I press my lips together, but it only makes Finn chuckle again. “Do you want to be responsible for your mother’s death?” The words stick to my skin.

This time when he kisses me, I don’t stop him. His tongue breaches my lips, making bile churn in my stomach. He tastes awful, every brush of his tongue against mine, revolting. It feels like an eternity filled with dread and revulsion passes before he lifts his head. Giving me a pleased smile, he murmurs, “Good girl.”

God, help me.

Straightening up, he warns me again, “Tell anyone, and your mother will die. I trust you won’t be that stupid.” He nods to the door, showing I can go.

Tags: Michelle Heard Sinners Dark
Source: readsnovelonline.net
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