Owned by a Sinner (Sinners 2) - Page 50

“How are you feeling after the attack and your dad's passing? Gosh, I wish I could hug you now.”

“Honestly, I feel so guilty.” My voice breaks, and I have to swallow hard on the sudden urge to cry. “If Dad hadn’t heard I was attacked, he’d still be here.”

“Don’t do that to yourself, sweetie. It wasn’t your fault. Anything could’ve made his heart give out, and you weren’t the one who told him.”

Doesn’t make me feel better.

“How are the bruises healing?” she changes the subject.

“They’re fading. At least I’ll be able to cover them with makeup.”

“Are you going back to work soon?”

“Yes, sitting around like this will only drive me insane.” I lie back on the bed and stare up at the ceiling. “Tell me about the place you’re staying at.”

“Like I told you, it’s half a castle,” Mom mutters. “If Rowan leaves me alone long enough, I might just get lost.”

I let out a chuckle. “Are you getting along with your guards?”

“Yes, the boys are already buzzing around me, waiting for lunch.”

A smile curves my lips. “I’m glad to hear that.”

“Let me go feed the vultures,” she mutters, but there’s no sting to her tone telling me she likes having the company.

“Okay. Love you, Mom.”

“Love you too, sweetie.”

Ending the call, I drop the phone on the bed, feeling relieved that Mom’s adjusting well to the situation she’s been dragged into.

Needing to keep busy, I started with dinner, hoping Liam will be okay with the food I make.

Maybe I first should’ve asked him?

He drinks the coffee you make, he’ll eat the food too. Chill.

The aroma of chicken fried steaks and mashed potatoes hangs in the air when Liam walks into the foyer.

He talks to Declan for a moment and waits for my guard to leave before he walks to the kitchen. Unbuttoning his jacket, he takes it off while his eyes scan over me. “You cooked?”

“Comfort food. I hope you don’t mind.”

“Of course not. Smells good.”

Laying his jacket down on the counter, he takes hold of my arm and presses a kiss to my forehead.


He pulls back and smiles down at me. “How was your day?”

“Good.” My tongue darts out to wet my lips, the nervous energy I’ve been feeling around him buzzing to life in my stomach. “I had a long conversation with my mom that made me feel better.” He looks pleased with my reply. “How was your day?”

“Got a lot done. Devon was glad to hear he got a promotion.” Liam goes to the fridge and takes out a bottle of water.

“Oh yeah?”

He nods. “I made him director.”

“Who are you going to put in his place?”


A smile spreads over my face. “Really? Have you told her? What was her reaction?”

He shakes his head. “She’ll find out tomorrow.”

“I’m so not staying home.”

Liam lets out a chuckle. “You know this means you’ll be alone at reception for a while?”

“I don’t mind.” A sneaky grin forms on my face. “I’ll get Declan to help out.”

Laughing, Liam says, “Good luck with that.”

Gesturing to the plates of food, I ask, “Do you need time to unwind, or can we eat?”

He glances at the food. “You made everything yourself, right?”

I nod quickly but then say, “But I won’t take offense if you can’t eat it.”

He shakes his head, and reaching past me, he picks up a plate. “As long as you made it, I’m fine.”

Be still my heart.

“You want a glass of wine?” I ask as I carry my plate to the living room.

“You sit. I’ll get us some,” he says.

Plopping down on the couch, I cross my legs beneath me and set my plate down on my lap.

I hope the chicken isn’t too dry.

Cutting off a piece, I pop it in my mouth.

Damn, not bad if I have to say so myself.

Liam comes back and sets the glasses of wine down on the coffee table before taking a seat across from me. I watch him closely as he takes a bite.

My eyebrows lift, my heart beating a little faster.

The corner of his mouth lifts. “You’re taking over the cooking duties from now on.”

A wide smile spreads over my face. “It’s not too dry?”

He shakes his head. “It’s perfect.”

With the relaxed atmosphere back now that Liam’s home, we enjoy our meal while slowly sipping the wine.

Liam swallows the last bite, then sets his plate down on the coffee table. “After I’ve showered, we need to talk.”

“About?” I ask before finishing the last of my wine.

“Where to go from here.”

Right. I can’t stay here forever.

At some point, I have to get back to my life and face my problems on my own.

“I’ll clean up,” I murmur as I get up and gather the plates and glasses. I walk to the kitchen and load the dishes into the dishwasher.

I hear him head up the stairs while I try to ignore the fact even though the past week and a half has been the worst of my life, I’ve fallen for Liam.

Tags: Michelle Heard Sinners Dark
Source: readsnovelonline.net
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