The Scholar (Emerson Pass Historicals 3) - Page 95

“She’s fine. Louisa suggested she go to the floor, and that’s helped a lot.”

“Thank God.” Flynn collapsed into a chair. “If I lose her, I won’t be able to go on.”

“We’re not losing anyone tonight.”

For the next few minutes, I went about preparing for the baby and gave Flynn something to do to keep him occupied. “Put water on to boil.”

He didn’t question me, simply did as he was asked. By the time I went back to the women, I had gathered towels and an old blanket Flynn said wasn’t needed.

They were still on the floor. Shannon was having another contraction. “Breathe,” Louisa said. “Breathe through it.”

Since Louisa had that in hand, I made up the bed with the old things. There would be a lot of blood and other fluids coming. No reason to ruin the good bedsheets.

This went on for another twenty minutes until Shannon said she felt the urge to push. I hauled her back into the bed. “It’s time to have this baby,” I said.

Shannon had panic in her eyes as she reached out for Louisa. “Don’t leave me.”

Louisa quickly went to her side and fell on her knees next to the bed. “I’m right here.”

For the next few minutes, we went through a series of pushing. So far, just the head was visible. But with the next push, the baby’s head came all the way out, then I coaxed one shoulder and then the other until finally we had a whole baby.

“She’s a girl,” I said.

Shannon fell back onto the bed.

“Is she good?” Shannon asked.

“She’s perfect.” I cleaned the baby off with one of the old towels before wrapping her in a blanket and handing her to her mother.

“You did so well.” Louisa mopped at Shannon’s brow with a damp towel, then had her sip from a glass of water.

“Oh, goodness, look at her,” Shannon said before looking up. “Get Flynn, please.”

“Not quite yet,” I said. “We need one more push to get the afterbirth out. Give Louisa the baby for a moment.”

Shannon handed her bundle over to Louisa.

“Go out and show her to her papa,” I said to Louisa. “While we do this last part.”

“Yes, Doctor,” Louisa said, smiling. “This must be the best part of your day? Showing such a sweet thing to a father for the first time?”

I’d not thought of it that way. Yet again something Louisa was better at than I.



* * *

I’d never seen anything as spectacular in my life as watching Shannon bring new life into this world. My mind was reeling with all I’d seen and heard. A miracle. I’d witnessed a miracle. Something Theo and Dr. Neal were able to do often. Even though her pain had scared me, I could see now that it was all part of the process. One with which I’d helped.

“Is Shannon all right? The screaming. Good God, I couldn’t stand it.” Flynn’s eyes were red. “Tell me she made it through.”

“She made it through. Look what she made you.” I held the baby out for him.

As if I’d pulled him from a nightmare, he seemed to focus for the first time on the baby in my arms.

“She’s a girl.”

Tags: Tess Thompson Emerson Pass Historicals Historical
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2025