The Gallows at Midnight (Agents of Interpol 2) - Page 21

She nods and I press one of my 9mm into her hand. “What’s this for?”

“If you see a guy dressed like me, don’t shoot him. Kill anything else. Bring the others back here. And do not kill Mophat until I question him.”

I jog from the room, scanning the open doors. A loud bang at the other end of the hall pulls my attention. Darting into the room, two men hold Dresden in place while another punches him in the face. Jumping into the air, I slam my hunting knife into the back of the one guy’s neck, severing his spinal cord. The other two drop Dresden’s arms and lunge at me.

Punching one in the face, the other lands a right hook into my jaw, knocking me against the wall. I shake my head and kick his kneecap, snapping it— he screams falling to the floor. A gunshot echoes close to my head, the sound rattling my insides. My eyes close as the ringing in my ears drowns out everything else.

Leaning against the wall, my eyes open, and everything comes back into focus. Shaking my head, I pounce on the guy trying to crawl toward me and snap his neck, the crunch reverberating through my hands. Dresden grabs my shoulder and hauls me into his arms, burying his face in my hair.

“Don’t ever fucking worry me like that again. Are you okay?” He leans back and clasps my head in his hands.

“I’m fine. Mophat’s secure. How many are left?”


“Let’s find ‘em.”

Something hard connects with my stomach as we move through the doorway, knocking me back into the room. Dresden yells, diving to the right into the hallway. Two men the size of mountains stalk into the room.

“Holy shit,” I mutter under my breath, scrambling to my feet. “Blake, if you can hear me, I love you.”

Taking a deep breath, I pull out one of my guns. My body is tiring, and the guy on the right lands a punch to the side of my face before I can fire a shot. The gun clatters to the floor, as I bounce off the wall.

Ouch. Motherfucker. “Didn’t your mother ever teach you it’s rude to hit women?”

They both laugh, and I kick the closest one in the balls, sinking him to his knees. Pulling one of the small knives from the ban on my thigh, I thrust it into his eye. The other one lunges, and I grasp my hunter’s knife, timing perfectly to run it across his throat. He falls to the floor, blood spraying the concrete.

Straddling the other one, I rip my small blade from his eye and slam it into his good one. “Fuck you both.”

As I run from the room, I slam into Dresden’s chest. He hugs me again before grabbing my hand and pulling me toward the showroom. Bursting through the door, several girls scream.

“Relax. We’re here to help, ladies,” Dresden says, calming them.

The girl holding my gun smiles at me, relief flooding her face. Gently, I take the gun from her hands and replace it in the holster. Without blinking, I spin around, yank a blade from my thigh ban and sink it into Mophat’s shoulder. He screams, blood pulling on his shoulder, running down his shirt.

“Shut up,” Dresden hisses, yanking another blade from my thigh and slamming it into Mophat’s other shoulder.

“Who’s the leader, Mophat? Tell me and we’ll make this quick. Refuse, and I’m going do worse to you than you’ve done to these girls.” My voice is low and deadly, all emotion draining from my body.

He glares at me, biting his bottom lip.

“Have it your way,” Dresden says shrugging.

I pull two more knives from my thigh, handing one to Dres. At the same time, we sink them into his sides and twist. Mophat screams, more red liquid soaking his shirt.

“I’d start talking if I were you,” I say, shaking my head.

“Fuck you,” he says through gritted teeth.

“Fuck me? No. Fuck you.” I drop to my knees, pulling out two more blades and slam them into his hips.

“Razvan. His name is Razvan,” Mophat screams.

I smile and Dresden laughs. “Thank you.”

I lay my hunter’s knife against his throat.

“Wait!” My body tenses. As I twist, the girl I saved from this man steps forward.

Tags: Courtney Lynn Rose Agents of Interpol Suspense
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2024