Bound Together (Dangerous Sinners) - Page 18

“You ready?” I ask Enzo.


Enzo and Stone pull back on the grenades and throw them all into the bar before we run with the flames from the explosions igniting behind us.

“How the fuck did you all get here?” I ask as we stare at the flames rising around screams of pain.

“Mikhail called Parisa, and we all flew down. She wasn’t gonna let you face it alone,” Ciaran growls from behind me. “She gives a fuck about your useless ass, and since she’s my woman, I care about what she wants. These fuckers are my brothers, and they give a fuck about what happens to me. So we all came down. Anissa wanted to come, but Finn went so fuckin’ mental that she stayed back to protect the crazy fucker’s sanity.”

“I appreciate it. If any of you ever need me, I’ll always have your backs. Now let’s get the fuck outta here.”

Chapter 11


“You need me, you have my number, and you call, okay?” Parisa says before giving me the fiercest hug I’ve ever had. She doesn’t appear to be the type of woman who’s touchy-feely.

I smile at her. “I will, thank you.”

Maxim wraps one arm around my shoulder, pulling me in. “Thanks for coming, Parisa. What you did for us, I’ll never forget it.”

Parisa hugs Maxim, pushing me out of the way. She smiles apologetically before a big blond guy growls and pulls her off him.

“I’ll fuck you in front of him again. Don’t push me, Hellcat.”

“All you guys have a thing about public fuckin’.”

“I don’t.” Enzo, the dark-haired guy, shrugs.

“Alright, alright, enough of that. I gotta get Samira home and take care of the trash we’ve got stashed on the plane.” Maxim pulls me toward him as we get on his private jet.

“Dang,” I say as I whistle. “You’ve done well for yourself. I don’t remember Sergei having a private jet.”

Maxim flinches at the mention of his father. “Yeah, well, I have a diversified portfolio. I invested in non-criminal shit.”

We walk down the aisle clumsily before he pushes me on a large beige leather seat and takes the seat across from me. “Spread your legs.”


His fingers work the buckle of his belt before he slides it out of his pant loops. He folds the belt in his hands and leans forward, his elbows on his knees. His eyes connect with mine. “Spread your legs and show me my pussy.”

Heat rushes through me at the commanding tone of his voice. I place each leg over the armrests.

“Good girl. No matter what happens, don’t move from that position, got it?”

I nod.

Maxim pushes a button on the intercom, and a blonde woman rushes to his chair. The blonde smiles sweetly at Maxim, and I grind my teeth. “What can I get you, Mr. Fedorov?”

The way she’s looking at Max like he’s a snack that she can’t wait to taste is beyond infuriating. I want to pull her blonde hair right out of her goddamn head.

“Two glasses of white wine, please. One for me and one for my future wife.”

The blonde’s face pales as she turns and takes me in. I want to die when she snickers at me sitting in the chair with my legs open, completely exposing myself. I quickly adjust my legs, crossing them, and give her a smile as sweet as hers.

Max gazes at me, his one eyebrow turning up.

“I had no idea you were engaged,” she says.

“Yes, for ten years,” Max replies.

The blonde perks up at hearing that. No one serious about marriage stays engaged for ten years. “Is there a reason you haven’t set a date?”

“Is there a reason a staff member would ask their boss such a personal question?” I snap.

Maxim bursts out laughing, his eyes never leaving me. He addresses the blonde. “I think my fiancée is correct. That question is a little above your pay grade. Please hurry back with our drinks.”

“Why did you tell her we’re engaged?” I ask as soon as she’s out of earshot.

“I’m assuming it’s for the same reason you didn’t correct her and say we aren’t.”

Infuriated, I cross my arm over my chest. Jealousy. I didn’t tell her because I was jealous of the way she was looking at Max. I didn’t like it at all.

Max crawls on the floor between us. His hands roam up and down my naked thigh before the slash of the belt meets my delicate flesh, and I scream from the pain. “I told you to stay put. No one gave you permission to close your legs.”

Tears sting my eyes as I gaze back at him. “That was humiliating, Max. She wants you, and I’m here lookin’ like a trashy whore.”

Max hits me with the belt again. This time it’s a gentle tap, almost a warning. “No, you’re beautiful.” His fingers dig between my legs, and he slowly parts them before burying his face in my pussy and inhaling. “You like the belt or exhibitionism?”

Tags: Mila Crawford Crime
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2025