Keeping The Biker (Royal Bastards MC: Charleston, WV 4) - Page 18

“Nope. It’s settled. C’mere.” He grabs my hand and tugs me into his lap. “All I need is this. You in my arms.”

“As sweet as that is your men want a party. You need to be there. I’ll come with you.”

A deep rumbling chuckle moves from his stomach, up his throat, and out his mouth. “You’re gonna come to my bachelor party? Watch them women rubbing up on your man and shit?”

“No, I’m gonna come to your party, and I’m gonna mean mug every female who looks your way.”

“That’s cute.”

“I’m not being cute.”

“Yeah. Fuckin’ adorable when you’re jealous.”

I shove off his lap. “I’m not jealous. But seriously go to your thing. I’m going to hang with the girls. Do our nails and shit for the wedding. Jules used to be a hairdresser and has all the tools.” I set to cleaning up after dinner.

“Not leaving you unprotected.”

“I’ll be with Pam and Lily said she wanted to go. She’s excited to see Wylla and Mila.”

“Pam your bodyguard now?”

“No but she’s damn proud of the effort she has put into making this weekend special, and if anyone tries to get in the way of it or ruin it, I think she’d slit their throat.”

“Fair assessment.” He pushes up from the chair and tosses his empty bottle in the trash. “I’ll drop you at Pam’s and Slick can bring you to the clubhouse later. We’ll spend the night there. I’ll give Lily a key and she can have the house to herself. Doubt she’ll want to party with the boys.”

“Aren’t the rooms reserved for our wedding guests arriving tomorrow?”

“Not mine and some have reservations elsewhere or will only be staying for the ceremony.”

“I’ll pack a bag.”

“Yeah, pack a bag, babe.” He grins. “Don’t wait too long to crash my party. I’m an old man in the family way. Can’t be up past my bedtime.”

I narrow my eyes on him. “I don’t know if I can marry such an old man. I need someone with a lot of stamina who can keep up with...,” I pause to lick my lips, “a baby waking up all night.”

“Got your stamina right here.” James grabs his crotch and I shake my head.

“I see my brother still thinks with his other head,” Lily muses, returning from the bathroom.

James clears his throat. “Least I’m honest about it. Here. Key to the house. Lex will be staying with me tonight at the clubhouse. Slick will give you a ride back from Pam’s when you want it. He’s gonna sleep on the couch. With the shit going on want everyone protected.”

Her cheeks redden at the mention of Slick. I know they had a thing after her split from Bronson. “You still haven’t said what that shit is.”

I turn my attention back to the dishes. No way am I getting in the middle of this.

“Club business.”

“Should I be worried?”

“Worried? No. Cautious? Always.”

“I don’t need Slick to babysit me.”

“He volunteered.”

“Call him off.”

“No can do. Need eyes on you and Lex tonight.”

Tags: Glenna Maynard Royal Bastards MC: Charleston, WV Romance
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2024