Our Happily Ever After (Bold As Love 5) - Page 29

Chapter Fourteen


July 22n – Our Wedding Day

Today is just another day for most people. It's another Saturday in the summer. Another day waiting for hockey season to start again. Another day at the Outer Banks. Another lazy day to enjoy. Nothing special about it for a lot of people.

Not for me.

This day marks the next chapter in my life with my Sweetness. The heat from the sand warms my bare feet through the blue cloth on the ground as I wait. It's late afternoon and I'm wearing gray slacks, a white dress shirt with a gray vest and a blue tie. The wait is pure torture. I have tried to get Helen to convince Emily into letting me talk to her. Even told her I would wear a blindfold, but Emily forbid it.

She has been strict with those damn superstitions. I couldn't see her in her dress before the ceremony. I didn't want to see her yet. Just talk! And maybe hold her hand. And kiss her too. I miss her for goodness sake! We haven't spoken nor seen one another in two days. Two. Days. Emily's being a little extreme, if you ask me. Anytime I tried to coax Helen into letting me talk to her, even going as far as offering her a thousand dollars, her answer was always the same. “No jinxing, remember?”

Two full days without my Sweetness and I'm ready to drag her down the aisle to me. The wedding party is already standing up here with me. Nerves tickle up my spine as the wedding march starts and everyone stands. I can't see her yet, and I bet Emily did that on purpose. To have her come from the side until she was directly in front of me. What a little tease! All thoughts completely cease when Mike and Emily come into view at the other end of the aisle.

Stunningly beautiful.

My heart stutters to a stop, and a grin quickly overtakes my face. Emily smiles shyly at me. She's so beautiful with her hair swept to the side in a low, curly ponytail. At last, my Sweetness is before me, handing her bouquet to Helen and taking my hands in hers. Without any hesitation, I pull her against me and place a delicate kiss on her lips.

“Jake,” she blushes a whisper.

“You are the most alluring, flawless, exquisite woman I have ever seen,” I tell her, my voice soft and husky. Emily's cheeks flush with pleasure at my words. Realizing that the officiant is waiting on us, I acknowledge his presence without taking my eyes off her, but I keep Emily close, only allowing breathing room. Sweetness, now more than ever, has me wrapped around her finger. The man is speaking mumbo jumbo for all I know. I can only think of those bright brown eyes capturing my gaze, those small, soft hands in my own, and the love pouring from my soul for this woman. It's time for me to say my vows, and I can barely contain myself.

“Emily Lynn Johnson, my Sweetness,” I begin and her smile grows. “I promise to love you, cherish you, and tolerate your love for the Pittsburgh Penguins.” Emily giggles at my only little joke, and I hear a few laughs from our guests. “I promise to spend the rest of my life ensuring that you know the extent of my love for you and my gratitude for all you do. We have come a long way since the day we met in high school. We've grown together, tackled life's challenges together, and we've loved each other through it all. I'm eager to spend the rest of my life with you as my Sweetness, my love, and my wife. I love you. Always.”

Turning to Todd, my old teammate from high school, he hands me her ring. I take Emily's left hand and glide the ring onto her finger. My heart can't take any more of this waiting as Sweetness eyes me for a few seconds before speaking.

“Jake Matthew Benson, my love. I promise to love you, cherish you, and be the best person possible for you. I promise to spend the rest of my life making you as happy as you have made me. You saved me, love, and you're always there to save me. I thank you for that now and for the future. I don't know what I would do without you, Jake.” Her voice catches and a lone tear falls from the corner of her eye. Quickly, I swipe it away with my thumb. “I love you more than I could ever describe and I'm ready to spend the rest of my life with you as my love and my husband. I love you.”

I don't want her to turn away from me, even to grab my ring, but she does. Emily slides the white gold ring onto my finger.

“I now pronounce you husband and wife.” The man pauses, and I'm tempted to glare at him. Finish already! “You may kiss your bride.”

I cradle Emily's cheeks in my hands, her lips part slightly in anticipation. Who am I to make her wait any longer? I swoop down and press my mouth against hers, gently ravaging her without embarrassing her in front of our guests who are standing and clapping. I hold out my arm and say, “Shall we, my wife?”

“You can take me wherever you want as long as you keep calling me that, my husband.” She smiles, hooking her arm around my elbow. I lead her down the aisle and to the next house over. The house behind where the ceremony took place has a large backyard, and that is where the reception will be. I have thirty minutes to be alone with my wife before we have to be there.

My wife.

“Jake, quit walking so fast,” Emily chides.

I stop and face her. Easily, I bend and gather her in my arms, a giggling shriek escaping. Holding her tightly to my chest, I run the rest of the way to the house and up the stairs, not stopping until we are in the house.

“You really are eager, aren't you?”

“Try spending two days away from your wife.” She grins at my words and I lean down to kiss the hell out of her. It takes everything in me to restrain myself and give her a soft, passionate, intimate kiss. My hands hold tight to the back of her neck because if they travel anywhere else, that dress is coming off. Panting, I ease away and kiss her forehead.

“We have to go take pictures,” she whispers.

“No,” I groan. “I thought I got you all to myself until the reception.”

Sweetness shakes her head. “We have to do that beforehand.”

I kiss the tip of her nose and then move to her jaw, down her neck. “Are you sure? We're in charge here. We can be late, you know.”

“Under one condition.”

Pulling away, I look at her. What is she up to that she is willing to be late to our own reception just so I can spend a few extra minutes with her? “What's that?” I ask.

“I want to know where we will be spending our honeymoon.” When I shake my head no, she whines a little. “Jake! You've been teasing me for months and I'm going to find out anyway. Tell me now.”

“Nope.” I motion the locking of my lips, and she frowns. I don't want my wife to frown on her wedding day. “Sweetness.” My thumb grazes her lips. “I have it all planned out for you not to find out until we land. Do you want to ruin my fun?”

“That's not fair, love, but no, I don't. Kiss me, husband.”

“Gladly.” This kiss is hungry and full of desire, but all too soon, my lovely bride is tugging me back for pictures with each other and our wedding party. Picture after picture and pose after pose, I do whatever I'm told. I want to have images to remind me of this fabulous day, and I want Emily happy. Afterwards, it's time for us to head to the reception. The wedding party enters the yard first, and Sweetness squeezes my hand.

“Please welcome, for the first time as husband and wife, Mr. and Mrs. Jake Benson.”

Emily beams at me, clearly proud of our accomplishments today. We walk through and clapping ensues. We stop in the middle of the dance floor just as the DJ speaks.

“It's time for the first dance,” the DJ announces.

I bring her close to me and whisper into her ear. “I love you, Sweetness. Thank you for making me so happy.” I lean back to stare into her eyes before kissing her forehead.

“I love you too, Jake. It thrills me to make you happy.”

The music begins to play and Mark Wills' voice utters the words to “I Do (Cherish You).” We sway to the tune, nothing else in the world exists right now except Emily. I step back slightly to take the time to actually look at her dress. It's strapless with a sweetheart neckline and beads along the top. Based on the skin beneath some of my fingers, the back is partially cut out.

“You're beautiful,” I whisper, pulling her flush against me as my lips move against her ear. Her fingers run through my hair at the base of my neck. Emily turns her head and kisses my neck.

“Looking pretty good yourself, Mr. Benson,” she says as she comes to look at me, a small smile on her face.

“You have made me very happy today, Mrs. Benson.” I grin.

“I don't know which I like hearing more. Mrs. Benson or wife.”

“Let's do a test then.” I kiss just below her left ear. “Mrs. Benson.” I kiss the same spot underneath her right ear. “My wife.” I give her a soft kiss on the lips, noticing her flushed cheeks. “Still a tie?” Emily swallows hard and nods, causing me to laugh.

The song ends and we find our seats in the front at a long rectangle table where the wedding party is sitting. I pull out Emily's chair, and once she's in her seat, I take my place next to her. Once everyone is quiet and settled in their seats, Mike stands and clinks his fork against his glass, clearing his throat when the people fall silent.

“Hello, everyone. As the father of the beautiful bride, it's my pleasure to make the first speech. Thank y'all for traveling all this way today to join us in celebrating Jake and Emily's wedding. I hope that you all have a wonderful evening with us.

“Emily is my only child and I've never seen her happier than when she's with Jake. He changed her life and I'm forever grateful that he fell in love with my daughter. I'm so proud of the woman she has become and that, in part, is due to Jake. They have been pretty inseparable since they met in high school.

“I can remember the first time I came home early from a trip and Emily was nowhere to be found. She walked into the house, still in pajamas, and asked me what I was doing home so early.” Our guests laugh. “I probably should have been more stern than I was, but she's my little girl and it was hard for me to put my foot down with her. Anyway, today, I see a woman that is happy, accomplished, in love, and grown up.

“Every father hopes that his daughter will meet a man who will love and cherish her. I know that I had high standards for the man that Emily would fall in love with. She needed someone who would treat her as if she was the only thing in his world. She ended up with Jake.” Mike smiles at me and the chuckling follows. “All jokes aside, Jake is a great person and an excellent man for my daughter. Jake, I know that you'll take care of my little girl.

“I don't think I'm much help in the marriage advice department. After all, I'm in my second marriage. However, I know you, Jake, and you aren't going to let anything come between you and Emily. Keep doing what you're doing.” Mike turns his attention to everyone. “Please join me in toasting the lovely couple to much happiness and a healthy life.”

Glasses clink and Emily kisses my cheek, instead of drinking the wine with everyone. Odd, but I don't think much about it. Todd stands next to begin his speech.

Tags: Lindsay Paige Bold As Love Romance
Source: readsnovelonline.net
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