A Forever Series Box Set: A Paranormal Reverse Harem-(Book 1-5) - Page 274

He grins. "Anyone ever tell you, you sleep like the dead? Wasn’t difficult to swipe it for a few minutes and play with it for my own amusement. Can't wait to see his face when he hears it!" he snickers.

"Seb, don't wind him up about it. It's a dodgy subject. Where are you?" I ask.

"I don't know, some bar near the apartment. I had to get out of that mausoleum,” he replies.

“What mausoleum?”

“You know, away from our unhappy sire. Christ, he knows how to get himself into a mood. I had forgotten after all this time. Just sat there brooding over the book."

It is now my turn to snicker, since I am fully aware of his moods. "Hm, that he does. Who are all your friends? Wait? What do you mean ‘the book?’ What book?"

"Oh, just some book, never mind," he says with a bit of a grimace. "These are just some people who wanted to see if I really knew you," he says slyly and holds the phone up so they can all wave at me.

I wave back. I really don’t like this whole celebrity thing. I mean, working in real estate is not exactly like being a rock star. Although in all fairness, while I was recognized before, being the wife of a famous movie star has plastered my face across the press in a big way.

"Christ, woman, be a bit nicer to your fans," he grouses at me.

"Hi, fans!" I say with sarcastic enthusiasm. They all say “Hi” in return while Sebastian nods his approval.

He comes back onto the screen. "So, are you having fun with your actual husband?" he asks snidely.

I glare at him as I pull the phone away to now include Cole on screen who gives Sebastian a death stare.

"Sebastian. This is my husband, Cole."

"Oh," Sebastian says, clearing his throat. "Hello."

"Hi," Cole says grimly but then turns on the charm as Sebastian’s new friends all clamor to have some FaceTime with a famous movie star. He deals with it all far better than I, and I beam at him with pride.

Eventually standing up and walking away in a huff, Sebastian comes back on the screen.

"Well, you are popular, aren't you?" he asks. "I look forward to making your acquaintance in person at some point."

"Likewise," Cole says with ease but I know he isn't best pleased with this phone call.

"Livvie, do come back soon, my dear. In the meanwhile, I will be staying at your place.


"Erm, I don't think so, Seb. Lincoln is very territorial, and Scott isn't exactly comfortable around ancient Vampires he doesn't know. Mind you, he isn't comfortable around ancient Vampires he does know," I add more to myself.

"I can handle the Wolf. Who is Scott? I thought you lived with someone called Devon?"

"Devon is my charge. But he is back in L.A. Scott is here for work. He is my assistant."

"Well, I shall behave myself. Take care and hurry back," he repeats again with force and hangs up. I sigh. That is definitely a very annoying trait of the older Vampires.

"He calls you Livvie?" Cole asks coldly.

"Oh, ignore him, he's an arse, just trying to get to you."

"But you call him Seb. Clearly there is something there."

"Baby, don't project. Please. I have enough guilt trips to last me the next thousand years without you adding to it."

"Meaning? Something to do with the moody sire?"

"Yes. But can we drop it? I said I didn't want to talk about him."

Tags: Eve Newton Fantasy
Source: readsnovelonline.net
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