A Forever Series Box Set: A Paranormal Reverse Harem-(Book 1-5) - Page 44

“Liv, you were screaming in your sleep and thrashing about. Do you remember what you were dreaming about?” he asks.

Yes. Yes, I remember perfectly, but I can’t tell him that I dreamed of his death by Council member before I could turn him on Holy ground. I shake my head. He takes me in his arms. “It’s okay now. You’re safe here with me. I love you.”

I’m shaking. It’s my worst fear, to have something bad happen to him because of me. I’ve been down this road before with Fraser and it’s not something that I want to relive. I start to seriously consider CK’s warning.

“Are you okay?” he asks.

I nod. “I’m fine now,” I lie. “Just hold me.”

And he does.

T he next night, Cole and I are cuddled together on the sofa, while Devon chats away on his phone.

“So, the ‘C’ is for Constantine, right?” Cole asks, spinning the charm on my bracelet.

I nod briefly.

“And there I thought it was for me.” He laughs and I smile distractedly at him. “Will I get to meet him?” he asks casually.

“Erm, maybe sooner than you think,” I say.

Devon pauses mid-sentence, intrigued, no doubt remembering his own first introduction to my formidable sire that is CK.

My sire is very possessive and territorial, which is pretty ironic really. Needless to say, Devon and CK barely tolerate each other and only that much because of me. What happened in my office a few weeks ago was an anomaly that surprised and delighted me.

“Oh? When?” Cole asks, oblivious to the sudden atmosphere.

Devon ends his call abruptly. “Yes, Liv, when is Constantine going to grace us with his almighty presence?”

I glare at him while Cole raises an eyebrow. “Almighty presence? That doesn’t sound intimidating at all,” he jokes.

“He’s not coming to L.A.,” I say through gritted teeth at Devon. “Cole, I was going to ask you later, but seeing as it has come up now…I have annual seats at the Monaco Grand Prix in a couple of weeks. I would like you to join us. Me and Devon that is, and Constantine, apparently,” I add with a sigh.

“Wow, really? I would love to. Thank you.” He smiles warmly at me.

My heart flutters at the acceptance of the invitation and the sincerity of his thanks.

“I’m heavily invested in the sport,” I tell him. “It’s a passion of mine.”

“I love F1,” he says. “It’ll be fun.”

Devon pipes up then, “Constantine is leaving Italy to go to Monte Carlo? Seems odd.”

I glance at Cole and he catches on, quick as ever, my boy.

“Ah, I see,” he says quietly. “Well, Cole, seems you’ve made it onto the radar. Congrats.” A sneer if I ever did see one crosses his handsome face.

Looking slightly puzzled, Cole looks at me. “Radar?”

I sigh heavily again. “Radar,” I confirm and leave it at that.

“I’m not sure I want to meet this guy,” he says wryly after a beat.

I’m with you on that one. “It’ll be fine,” I reassure him. “He’s a lot of bark.”

“What and no bite?” he snickers.

“No, he’s a lot of bite too,” I giggle, and he blanches. “But don’t let him intimidate you. If he senses fear, he will pounce. Figuratively,” I add hastily.

Tags: Eve Newton Fantasy
Source: readsnovelonline.net
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